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Systeme Helmholz GmbH通讯组件 元件-品牌详细-豪思仪器仪表设备有限公司
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969053321̸ 1594501713̸
   测量仪器仪表 | 分析仪器仪表
   实验仪器仪表 | 环境气象仪器
   电工仪器仪表 | 通讯监测仪器
   测试校验仪器 | 专用仪器仪表
   气体检测仪表 |
   温度/压力/流量/物位传感器 | 角度/位移/位置/传感器
   在线分析仪表 | 信号转换器/隔离器/安全栅/中继器/调理器
   显示器/数显表 | 控制器/PLC/
   自动化系统 | DCS/FCS/总线
   通讯模块 | 数据采集
   数据终端 | 监控监视
   计算机 | 软件
   电子元件 | 电工电器
   电机 | 减速机
   轴承 | 链条
   导轨 | 电源
   风机 | 电器
   泵阀 | 油缸
   气缸 | 密封
   过滤 | 接插
   调节 |
   机床附件 | 刀具夹具
   数控数显 |
   4101工业自动调节仪表与控制系统 | 4102工业仪表
   4103电工仪器仪表 | 4104绘图、计算及测量装置
   4105分析仪器及装置 | 4106实验机械,相关检测仪器
   4107环境监测专用仪器仪表 | 4108汽车仪表,相关计数仪表
   4109导航仪器及装置 | 4110大地测量仪器
   4111气象、水文仪器及装置 | 4112农林牧渔专用仪器仪表
   4113地质勘探和地震专用仪器 | 4114教学专用仪器
   4115核子及核辐射测量仪器 | 4116光学、电子测量仪器
   4117纺织仪器,相关专用测试仪器 |
   4001通信传输设备 | 4002通信交换设备
   4003通信终端设备 | 4004移动通信设备
   4005移动通信终端设备及零部件 | 4006通信接入设备
   4007雷达、无线电导航及无线电遥控设备 | 4008广播电视设备
   4009电子计算机及其部件 | 4010计算机网络设备
   4011电子计算机外部设备及装置 | 4012电子计算机配套产品及耗材
   4013信息系统安全产品 | 4014真空电子器件及零件
   4015半导体分立器件 | 4016光电子器件及激光器材
   4017集成电路 | 4018微电子组件
   4019电子元件 | 4020敏感元件及传感器
   4021印刷电路板 | 4022家用音视频设备
   4099其他未列明电子设备 |
   3901发电机 | 3902发电机组、内燃发电机组及旋转式变流机
   3903电动机 | 3904变压器、整流器和电感器
   3905电力电容器及其配套设备 | 3906高压开关设备
   3907配电或电器控制设备 | 3908电力电子元器件
   3909电线电缆 | 3910光纤、光缆
   3911绝缘制品 | 3912内燃机电点火起动装置,相关电工器材
   3913电池及其零部件 |
   3501锅炉及辅助设备 | 3502发动机
   3503汽轮机、燃气轮机 | 3504水轮机及辅机
   3505非电力相关原动机 | 3506金属切削机床
   3507金属成型机床 | 3508金属非切削、成型加工机械
   3509数控机床及加工机械 | 3510机床附件及辅助装置
   3511焊接设备 | 3512轻小型起重设备
   3513起重机 | 3514工业车辆
   3515连续搬运设备 | 3516电梯、自动扶梯及升降机
   3517立体仓库设备,相关物料搬运设备 | 3518泵及液体提升机
   3519气体压缩机 | 3520阀门和龙头
   3521液压元件、系统及装置 | 3522气动元件、系统及装置
   3523真空应用设备 | 3524轴承及其零件
   3525齿轮、传动轴和驱动部件 | 3526密封垫及类似接合衬垫
   3527窑炉、熔炉及电炉 | 3528风机、风扇及类似设备
   3529气体分离及液化设备 | 3530利用温度变化加工机械
   3531液体气体过滤、净化机械 | 3532工商用制冷、空调设备
   3533风动和电动工具 | 3534喷枪及类似器具
   3535包装专用设备 | 3536衡器(秤)
   3537衡器零配件 | 3538金属铸件
   3539锻件、粉末冶金件 | 3599其他通用设备和零件
   3601矿山专用设备 | 3602石油钻探、开采专用设备
   3603建筑工程用机械 | 3604建筑材料及制品专用生产机械
   3605玻璃、陶瓷制品生产专用设备 | 3606冶金专用设备
   3607炼油、化工生产专用设备 | 3608橡胶加工专用设备
   3609塑料加工专用设备 | 3610木材加工、处理机械
   3611模具 | 3612硬质材料加工机床及其零件
   3613非金属相关成型、加工机械 | 3614食品制造机械
   3615乳品加工机械 | 3616酒及饮料加工机械
   3617烟草、盐加工机械 | 3618农产品加工专用设备
   3619饲料生产专用设备 | 3620食品、饮料、烟草专用生产设备零件
   3621制浆和造纸专用设备 | 3622印刷专用设备
   3623信息化学品生产设备 | 3624制药专用设备
   3625照明器具生产专用设备 | 3626日用化工专用设备
   3627搪瓷制品,相关日用品生产设备 | 3628纺织专用制品
   3629皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备 | 3630服装、鞋帽加工机械
   3631电工机械专用设备 | 3632电子工业专用设备
   3633武器、弹药及其零件 | 3634金属处理机械
   3635航空、航天设备,相关专用设备 | 3636拖拉机及农林牧渔用挂车
   3637机械化农业及园艺机具 | 3638营林及木竹采伐机械
   3639畜牧机械 | 3940渔业捕捞养殖机械
   3641农产品初加工机械 | 3942农林牧渔机械零配件
   3643医疗仪器设备及器械 | 3944口腔科用设备及器具
   3945医用消毒灭菌设备 | 3646医疗、外科及兽医用器械
   3647机械治疗及病房护理设备 | 3648假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械
   3949医疗、外科、牙科或兽医用家具 | 3950环境污染防治专用设备
   3651地质勘查专用设备 | 3952邮政专用机械及器材
   3953商业、饮食、服务专用设备 | 3654社会公共安全设备及器材
   3955交通安全及管制专用设备 | 3656水资源专用机械
   3657机器人及具有独立功能专用机械 | 3699其他专用设备及零部件
Systeme Helmholz GmbH通讯组件 元件

德国Systeme Helmholz GmbH通讯组件 元件




德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Micro Memory Cards


The Micro Memory Cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are suitable for use in S7 controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Memory Cards


Memory cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH, suitable for the S7, are designed for use in CPU modules CPU 412 to CPU 417...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Micro Memory Cards


The Micro Memory Cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are suitable for use in S7 controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Memory Cards


Memory cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH, suitable for the S7, are designed for use in CPU modules CPU 412 to CPU 417...

Input/Output Modules


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Input Modules


The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Input Module, m-reading


The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Input Module, with Alerts


The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Output Modules


The digital outputs convert the internal signal level to the external signal level required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Input/Output Modules


The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Output Module, 2 Amps


The digital outputs convert the internal signal level to the external signal level required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 5 Amps


The digital outputs convert the internal signal level into the external signal levels required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 2 Amps


The digital outputs convert the internal signal level into the external signal levels required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DEA 300, Digital Input Modules; 120/230 V


The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with current signals


The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with voltage signals


The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting Resistance Thermometers


The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Input Module - current signals, voltage signals, resistance, resistance thermometer


The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 4-Channel


The analog output modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the internal signal level of the programmable controllers to the analog signal level required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 2-Channel


The analog output modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the internal signal level of the programmable controllers to the analog signal level required for the process...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件



The dummymodule from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH is for reserving slots for unparameterized signal modules...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PAS 153, distributed PROFIBUS Interface


The PAS 153 distributed PROFIBUS Interface from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is for linking digital and analog input and output modules to the PROFIBUS DP...

Communication Modules


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

SAS 340, Communication Module


The serial communication module SAS 340 permits the linking to the PLC of serial devices, such as barcode scanners, operator terminals, serial printers, PCs...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

SAS 341, Communication Module


The serial communication module SAS 341 permits the linking to the PLC of serial devices, such as barcode scanners, operator terminals, serial printers, PCs...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

EIB 300, Communication Module for Twisted Pair EIB/KNX


The EIB 300 enables the connection of an EIB/KNX bus to the PLC whereby the bus is directly attached to the module...


Accessory/Front Connector


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

FastPlug, Frontadapter for S7 modules


The new professional FastPlug Frontadapter from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are intended for insertion or clipping on a 16 or 32 Bit S7 Input/Output module...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Front Connectors


The Systeme Helmholz GmbH offers a wide range of 20- and 40-way front connectors with different connection types...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Ready wired Front Connectors


The Ready-wired front connectors* are available for easy connection of sensors and actuators to input/output modules of Systeme Helmholz GmbH...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Mounting rail


For all DEA and AEA etc...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Mounting rail adapter for DIN rail


We offer for all communication modules (e...

PROFIBUS Connectors


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, 90°


With their compact design, the PROFIBUS connectors of Systeme Helmholz GmbH are ideal for connecting PROFIBUS stations...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, 35°


The 35° PROFIBUS connector for PROFIBUS is a further component in our range of connectors providing you with low-cost, compatible alternatives for your automation...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, axial cable outlet


The axial PROFIBUS connector for PROFIBUS is a further component in our range of connectors providing you with low-cost alternatives for your automation...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, 90° EasyConnect®


The EasyConnect® connectors feature quick-connect technology, making the stripping of bus conductors superfluous...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, axial EasyConnect®


The EasyConnect® connector axial features quick-connect technology, which makes stripping the bus wires superfluous...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, 90° with diagnostic LEDs, EasyConnect®


The EasyConnect® diagnostic PROFIBUS connector allows you to build a PROFIBUS network in which the user can always check the state of the bus system at a glance...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector, 90° with diagnostic LEDs


The PROFIBUS diagnostic connector can be used to connect a PROFIBUS network in which the user can check the status of the bus system at any time at a glance...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector with ATEX accreditation


The PROFIBUS connectors are used to connect a PROFIBUS station to the PROFIBUS cable...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Connector with spring type terminals


The PROFIBUS connectors are used to connect a PROFIBUS station to the PROFIBUS cable...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Stripping Tool for PROFIBUS cable


For quick and easy connection of PROFIBUS connectors to PROFIBUS bus lines...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

FLEXtra® twinRepeater, PROFIBUS Repeater


Despite its compact size, the new FLEXtra® twinRepeater from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is a fully functioning PROFIBUS repeater...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

FLEXtra® multiRepeater 4-way, 6-way PROFIBUS Repeater


The new FLEXtra® multiRepeater from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is a multiple PROFIBUS Repeater...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PROFIBUS Compact Repeater


The new PROFIBUS Compact Repeater from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is a fully functional PROFIBUS Repeater...

PROFIBUS Radio System


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

viBlu, PROFIBUS Radio system


The PROFIBUS radio system viBlu is a virtual cable that permits the linking of distributed I/Os or intelligent devices...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Antennas for NETLink® WLAN and viBlu


To optimize the reception power of the NETLink® WLAN and the PROFIBUS radio system viBlu, Systeme Helm­holz GmbH can provide a selection of different antennas...

PROFIBUS Communication


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

PAS 153, distributed PROFIBUS Interface


The PAS 153 distributed PROFIBUS Interface from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is for linking digital and analog input and output modules to the PROFIBUS DP...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

DP/DP coupler


The DP/DP coupler interlinks two PROFIBUS-DP networks and permits data transmission between the masters and the two DP networks...

PROFIBUS Accessory


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

FLEXtra® profiPoint, active termination and measuring point


The new FLEXtra® profiPoint from Systeme Helmholz GmbH is primarily used for supplying power to the terminating resistor and is designed for mounting on a DIN rail...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Active PROFIBUS dropcable


The active PROFIBUS dropcable from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH is used for a failure-free connection of a programming device to an existing PROFIBUS net...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® PRO Compact, PROFIBUS Ethernet Gateway


NETLink® PRO Compact offers flexibility, compact design and even more features than its predecessor...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® PRO, Ethernet Gateway for MPI/PROFIBUS


The NETLink® PRO for programming, configuring and visualization with direct acces to the interface of a CPU. The connecting cable is an active cable...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® Switch, Ethernet Gateway with integrated 4-port Switch


The NETLink® Switch is an Ethernet Gateway with an integrated 4-port switch for programming, configuring, visualizing, and remote servicing of...




德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® WLAN, PROFIBUS Ethernet WLAN Gateway


The NETLink® WLAN is an Ethernet/WLAN Gateway for programming, configuring, and visualizing...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Antennas for NETLink® WLAN and viBlu


To optimize the reception power of the NETLink® WLAN and the PROFIBUS radio system viBlu, Systeme Helm­holz GmbH can provide a selection of different antennas...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® USB Compact, mini PROFIBUS USB Gateway


NETLink® USB Compact offers flexibility and compact design with the advantages of plug and play via USB...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® USB, Highspeed USB Gateway for MPI/PROFIBUS


The NETLink® USB for programming, projecting and visualization may be connected to any MPI/PROFIBUS interface of the bus system...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® SLOT USB, Highspeed USB Gateway as a plug-in board


The NETLink® SLOT USB is an alternative to a PROFIBUS-CP plug-in board and is directly installed in the computer...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® USB Compact, mini PROFIBUS USB Gateway


NETLink® USB Compact offers flexibility and compact design with the advantages of plug and play via USB...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® USB, Highspeed USB Gateway for MPI/PROFIBUS


The NETLink® USB for programming, projecting and visualization may be connected to any MPI/PROFIBUS interface of the bus system...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

NETLink® SLOT USB, Highspeed USB Gateway as a plug-in board


The NETLink® SLOT USB is an alternative to a PROFIBUS-CP plug-in board and is directly installed in the computer...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

OPC Server


The S7/S5 OPC server allows you fast and easy access to process data in...




德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

REX 300, Ethernet Router


The REX 300 provides you with maximum flexibility and greatest possible security. With the router, you can remotely establish simple and secure communication with...




德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

SSW7-TS, MPI-Adapter


The SSW7-TS can be used to teleservice your system via a modem connection...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

SSW7-TS with Modem analog/ISDN/GSM


The SSW7-TS with an integrated modem is a low-cost alternative to teleservice a programmable controller via the
MPI bus...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件



The SSW7-TS PRO can be used for teleservicing a S7 system via a modem connection and supports to the connection of the system to an MPI or PROFIBUS network with up to 12 Mbps...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

TS 300, Teleservice module for the PLC Rack


With the TS 300, teleservice of a system can be performed via the MPI bus...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

MDM 300, Modem for the S7 Rack


The MDM 300 of Systeme Helmholz GmbH is a universal modem. A 56 k modem is integrated into the housing of the MDM 300 that is prepared for use worldwide...


德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

SSW7-TS with Modem analog/ISDN/GSM


The SSW7-TS with an integrated modem is a low-cost alternative to teleservice a programmable controller via the
MPI bus...

德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件



The SSW7-TS PRO can be used for teleservicing a S7 system via a modem connection and supports to the connection of the system to an MPI or PROFIBUS network with up to 12 Mbps...



德国Systeme <wbr>Helmholz <wbr>GmbH通讯组件 <wbr>元件

Antennas for GSM Modems


To ensure the function of the GSM radio system in a - in most cases special - industrial environment, it is important to select a Systeme Helmholz GSM antenna an advance for the greatest possible reliability...