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systerra computer GmbH 工业网关 无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器-品牌详细-豪思仪器仪表设备有限公司
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969053321̸ 1594501713̸
   测量仪器仪表 | 分析仪器仪表
   实验仪器仪表 | 环境气象仪器
   电工仪器仪表 | 通讯监测仪器
   测试校验仪器 | 专用仪器仪表
   气体检测仪表 |
   温度/压力/流量/物位传感器 | 角度/位移/位置/传感器
   在线分析仪表 | 信号转换器/隔离器/安全栅/中继器/调理器
   显示器/数显表 | 控制器/PLC/
   自动化系统 | DCS/FCS/总线
   通讯模块 | 数据采集
   数据终端 | 监控监视
   计算机 | 软件
   电子元件 | 电工电器
   电机 | 减速机
   轴承 | 链条
   导轨 | 电源
   风机 | 电器
   泵阀 | 油缸
   气缸 | 密封
   过滤 | 接插
   调节 |
   机床附件 | 刀具夹具
   数控数显 |
   4101工业自动调节仪表与控制系统 | 4102工业仪表
   4103电工仪器仪表 | 4104绘图、计算及测量装置
   4105分析仪器及装置 | 4106实验机械,相关检测仪器
   4107环境监测专用仪器仪表 | 4108汽车仪表,相关计数仪表
   4109导航仪器及装置 | 4110大地测量仪器
   4111气象、水文仪器及装置 | 4112农林牧渔专用仪器仪表
   4113地质勘探和地震专用仪器 | 4114教学专用仪器
   4115核子及核辐射测量仪器 | 4116光学、电子测量仪器
   4117纺织仪器,相关专用测试仪器 |
   4001通信传输设备 | 4002通信交换设备
   4003通信终端设备 | 4004移动通信设备
   4005移动通信终端设备及零部件 | 4006通信接入设备
   4007雷达、无线电导航及无线电遥控设备 | 4008广播电视设备
   4009电子计算机及其部件 | 4010计算机网络设备
   4011电子计算机外部设备及装置 | 4012电子计算机配套产品及耗材
   4013信息系统安全产品 | 4014真空电子器件及零件
   4015半导体分立器件 | 4016光电子器件及激光器材
   4017集成电路 | 4018微电子组件
   4019电子元件 | 4020敏感元件及传感器
   4021印刷电路板 | 4022家用音视频设备
   4099其他未列明电子设备 |
   3901发电机 | 3902发电机组、内燃发电机组及旋转式变流机
   3903电动机 | 3904变压器、整流器和电感器
   3905电力电容器及其配套设备 | 3906高压开关设备
   3907配电或电器控制设备 | 3908电力电子元器件
   3909电线电缆 | 3910光纤、光缆
   3911绝缘制品 | 3912内燃机电点火起动装置,相关电工器材
   3913电池及其零部件 |
   3501锅炉及辅助设备 | 3502发动机
   3503汽轮机、燃气轮机 | 3504水轮机及辅机
   3505非电力相关原动机 | 3506金属切削机床
   3507金属成型机床 | 3508金属非切削、成型加工机械
   3509数控机床及加工机械 | 3510机床附件及辅助装置
   3511焊接设备 | 3512轻小型起重设备
   3513起重机 | 3514工业车辆
   3515连续搬运设备 | 3516电梯、自动扶梯及升降机
   3517立体仓库设备,相关物料搬运设备 | 3518泵及液体提升机
   3519气体压缩机 | 3520阀门和龙头
   3521液压元件、系统及装置 | 3522气动元件、系统及装置
   3523真空应用设备 | 3524轴承及其零件
   3525齿轮、传动轴和驱动部件 | 3526密封垫及类似接合衬垫
   3527窑炉、熔炉及电炉 | 3528风机、风扇及类似设备
   3529气体分离及液化设备 | 3530利用温度变化加工机械
   3531液体气体过滤、净化机械 | 3532工商用制冷、空调设备
   3533风动和电动工具 | 3534喷枪及类似器具
   3535包装专用设备 | 3536衡器(秤)
   3537衡器零配件 | 3538金属铸件
   3539锻件、粉末冶金件 | 3599其他通用设备和零件
   3601矿山专用设备 | 3602石油钻探、开采专用设备
   3603建筑工程用机械 | 3604建筑材料及制品专用生产机械
   3605玻璃、陶瓷制品生产专用设备 | 3606冶金专用设备
   3607炼油、化工生产专用设备 | 3608橡胶加工专用设备
   3609塑料加工专用设备 | 3610木材加工、处理机械
   3611模具 | 3612硬质材料加工机床及其零件
   3613非金属相关成型、加工机械 | 3614食品制造机械
   3615乳品加工机械 | 3616酒及饮料加工机械
   3617烟草、盐加工机械 | 3618农产品加工专用设备
   3619饲料生产专用设备 | 3620食品、饮料、烟草专用生产设备零件
   3621制浆和造纸专用设备 | 3622印刷专用设备
   3623信息化学品生产设备 | 3624制药专用设备
   3625照明器具生产专用设备 | 3626日用化工专用设备
   3627搪瓷制品,相关日用品生产设备 | 3628纺织专用制品
   3629皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备 | 3630服装、鞋帽加工机械
   3631电工机械专用设备 | 3632电子工业专用设备
   3633武器、弹药及其零件 | 3634金属处理机械
   3635航空、航天设备,相关专用设备 | 3636拖拉机及农林牧渔用挂车
   3637机械化农业及园艺机具 | 3638营林及木竹采伐机械
   3639畜牧机械 | 3940渔业捕捞养殖机械
   3641农产品初加工机械 | 3942农林牧渔机械零配件
   3643医疗仪器设备及器械 | 3944口腔科用设备及器具
   3945医用消毒灭菌设备 | 3646医疗、外科及兽医用器械
   3647机械治疗及病房护理设备 | 3648假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械
   3949医疗、外科、牙科或兽医用家具 | 3950环境污染防治专用设备
   3651地质勘查专用设备 | 3952邮政专用机械及器材
   3953商业、饮食、服务专用设备 | 3654社会公共安全设备及器材
   3955交通安全及管制专用设备 | 3656水资源专用机械
   3657机器人及具有独立功能专用机械 | 3699其他专用设备及零部件
systerra computer GmbH 工业网关 无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器

德国systerra computer GmbH 工业网关 无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器




Feldbusse verbinden heute unzählige Systeme und Sensoren in der Industrie. Für die Kommunikation zwischen Systemen mit verschiedenen Kommuni-kationsstandards ist eine Protokollumsetzung erforderlich.

systerra Computer bietet eine Auswahl an Feldbus-Gateways, die eine nahtlose Umsetzung der Kommunikation zwischen den Geräten mit unterschiedlichen Busstandards ermöglichen.


Field busses connect countless industrial devices and systems in the industry. For communication between products with different busstandards protocol translation is required.

systerra computer offers a selection of fieldbus gateways that provide seamless coordination between devices and communication on different media.



德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Manufacturer Photo Part No Description
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Molex SST-EDN-1 SST Remote DeviceNet Scanner SST-EDN-1 Ethernet to DeviceNet Gateway / Remote DeviceNet Scanner
Traditionally when running a PC control application, one PC installed with one network interface card was required for each DeviceNet network. Now with the introduction of the SST Remote DeviceNet Scanner, a PC for each network is no longer required ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Molex DRL-DPS-SRM Direct Link Profibus to Ethernet Gateway DRL-DPS-SRM Direct Link Profibus to Modbus Serial Gateway
The BradCommunications™ Direct-Link™ gateway for PROFIBUS is built to enable the quick and cost effective connection of any Modbus device to a PROFIBUS-DP fieldbus. It is well suited for simple network extensions or the integration of legacy devices such as in the machine tool industry ... more
Moxa MGate EIP3000- 1- and 2-Port DF1 to EtherNet/IP Gateways MGate EIP3000 1- and 2-Port DF1 to EtherNet/IP Gateways
Moxa's EIP3170/EIP3170I and EIP3270/EIP3270I are 1- or 2-port DF1 to EtherNet/IP protocol converters for users who need to connect Allen Bradley PLCs to an EtherNet/IP network, and provide a cost-effective way to combine PLC and SCADA software into the same system ... more
Moxa MGate MB3170 1-port advanced serial-to-Ethernet Modbus gateway MGate MB3170 1-Port advanced serial-to-Ethernet Modbus Gateway
The Moxa MB3170 and MB3270 are advanced Modbus gateways that provide maximum flexibility for integrating industrial Modbus networks of all types and sizes. They are designed to integrate Modbus TCP, ASCII, and RTU devices in almost any master and slave combination ... more
Moxa MGate MB3270 2-port advanced serial-to-Ethernet Modbus gateway MGate MB3270 2-Port advanced serial-to-Ethernet Modbus Gateway
The MB3270 is an advanced Modbus gateway that provide maximum flexibility for integrating industrial Modbus networks of all types and sizes. They are designed to integrate Modbus TCP more
Moxa MGate MB3180 1-port standard Modbus gateway MGate MB3180 1-Port standard Modbus Gateway
The MB3180 is a standard Modbus gateway that converts between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols. Up to 16 simultaneous Modbus TCP masters are supported, with up to 31 RTU/ASCII slaves per serial port ... more
Moxa MGate MB3280 2-port standard Modbus gateway MGate MB3280 2-Port standard Modbus Gateway
The MB3280 is a standard Modbus gateway that converts between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols. Up to 16 simultaneous Modbus TCP masters are supported, with up to 31 RTU/ASCII slaves per serial port ... more
Moxa MGate MB3480 4-port standard Modbus gateway MGate MB3480 4-Port standard Modbus Gateway
The MB3480 is a standard Modbus gateway that converts between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols. Up to 16 simultaneous Modbus TCP masters are supported, with up to 31 RTU/ASCII slaves per serial port ... more
Moxa SMG-1100 - Smart machine-to-machine Modbus Gateway embedded Computer SMG-1100 Series Smart machine-to-machine Modbus Gateway embedded Computer with 2 serial Ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Ethernet, SD, IPsec
The Moxa SMG-1100 series embedded Linux computers feature two software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, one Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication. It also comes with an SD socket, USB host, and 4 digital input and 4 digital output channels ... more
Moxa SMG-6100 - Smart machine-to-machine Gateway with 2 serial ports, 4 Ethernet Ports, VGA, USB, IPsec SMG-6100 Series Smart machine-to-machine Gateway with 2 serial ports, 4 Ethernet Ports, VGA, USB, IPsec
The Moxa SMG-6100 series is based on the Intel x86 processor and supports VGA, 4 Ethernet ports, 2 RS-232 serial ports, CompactFlash, and USB. It comes in a standard 19-inch, 1U ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Molex APP-ESR-GTW Front View APP-ESR-GTW Ethernet-to-Serial/Profibus Gateway
The BradCommunications™ applicom® GATEway is more than a standard tunnelling gateway! It is the first hardware platform that allows simultaneous communication between industrial devices (PLC, SCADA etc.) using up to 20 different Ethernet, PROFIBUS and Serial protocols ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Molex GT4010/GT4010R Industrial 4 Serial ports Gateways GT4010 / GT4010R 4-Ports Serial-to-Serial Gateway
4 Serial channels - incl. RS485/RS422 line interfaces with 500 Volts galvanic insulation. Also availalble with RS232 or 20mA current loop line interfaces. Serial protocols as: AS511, DF1; Modbus RTU, Uni-Telway, SNP-X and many others ... more
Wireless Routers, Access Points, Bridges, Device Servers, Computers, and Modems

Drahtlose Netzwerke bieten höchste Flexibilität und eröffnen Projektingenieuren völlig neue industrielle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.

Moxas Industrial Wireless Produkte sind exakt auf die speziellen Anforderungen von Industrieanwendern zugeschnitten. Die breite Produktpalette ermöglicht eine drahtlose Netzwerkanbindung unterschiedlicher Schnittstellen in zahllosen Applikationen.


// Wireless networks offer countless new possibilities for industrial applications and top-class flexibility to project engineers.

Moxa's industrial wireless products are designed to meet the special needs of industrial users. A wide selection of products are available to establish wireless communication to different device interfaces for different applications.

德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Industrial Wireless Networks  
  • Know-how
    WLAN and Cellular Know-how and Brochures
  • GSM+UMTS Devices
    GSM, GPRS, UMTS, and HSDPA Routers, Device Servers, and Modems
  • WiFi AP/Bridge/Client
    WiFi Access Points, Clients, and Bridges
  • WiFi Device Servers
    RS-232/422/85 serial over Wireless Device Servers
  • Wireless Computers
    embedded Computers with integrated WLAN Interfaces
  • WiFi Power Amplifier
    Amplifier for Range Extension of WiFi Devices
  • WiFi+Cellular Antennas
    Antennas for WiFi and Cellular Devices
  • RF-Cables
    Cables for WiFi and GSM/UMTS, ...
  • RF Caps+Terminators
    WiFi and GSM/UMTS Protection Caps and Termination Resistors
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Wireless Know-how and Brochures  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Wireless LAN Standards Overview
WLAN Netzwerke sind über den IEEE802.11 Norm standardisiert. Die Tabelle fasst die wichtigsten Eigenschaften der einzelnen WLAN Übertragungsstandards zusammen.

// Wireless networks are standardized by the IEEE802.11 norm. This Tabele gives an overview of the main features of the different wireless transmission standards.
Standard IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11g IEEE 802.11n
Year Approved 1999 1999 2003 2009
Compatibility to IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.11a/b/g
Frequency Band 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4/5 GHz
Channel Bandwidth 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 or 40 MHz
Number of Spatial Streams 1 1 1 1 to 4
Max. Data Rates 11 Mbps 54 Mbps 54 Mbps 600 Mbps
Data Rate Configurations 4 8 12 (a) 576 (c)
Typical Indoor Range (b) 30...45 m 10...15 m 30...45 m 45...60 m
Typical Outdoor Range (b) 60...90 m 15...30 m 60...90 m 140...180 m
(a) IEEE 802.11b includes backwards compatibility • (b) A general rule of thumb for planning wireless networks • (c) Theoretical data rate with 4-stream MIMO
Manufacturer Photo Part No Description
Moxa Industrial Wireless Solutions for Control and Automation Industrial Wireless Industrial Wireless Solutions for Control and Automation
Today's industrial applications demand high network availability and reliability. Moxa's standards-based wireless products offer a winning combination of reliability, redundancy, and throughput for secure industrial wireless LANs ...
Application Notes Wireless Applications Transportation Industrial Wireless Networks for the Rail Industry
Contents: ► Reliable On-board and Train-to-ground Wireless Communication ► Real Time Monitor of Rail Track Status Using a Redundant Wireless Link ► WLAN Enables Constant Connectivity between Moving Trains and Trackside
Moxa WLAN Roaming WLAN Roaming White Paper: Unlocking High Speed Roaming for Mobile Applications
Roaming conditions vary depending on the application. Here, we will use linear roaming as an example to illustrate how roaming is conducted and what factors we need to pay special attention to ...
Moxa Dual-RF WLAN Whitepaper Dual-RF WLAN Industrial Dual-RF Wireless Communications with Rapid Recovery
Radio interference has been and always will be a major concern for wireless applications. In a wireless environment, data transmission is over the air and due to the characteristics of this medium, a very different type of technical knowledge is required to ensure a reliable wireless connection ...
Moxa IW-Guide Advanced Industrial Wireless Guidebook
Advantages of using wireless technologies include boosting data transmission speed, real-time data transmissions, remote equipment monitoring and alerts, flexible installation of remote equipment, and...
Application Notes WiFi for Cranes Industrial WiFi Industrial Wireless for Cranes and Heavy Industry
Automation can increase the efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness of heavy machinery such as cranes. This guidebook covers the deployment of wireless solutions to streamline operations in different ...
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Industrial GSM, GPRS, UMTS, and HSDPA Routers, Device Servers, and Modems  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Manufacturer Photo Part No Description
Management Software
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa OnCell Central Manager OnCell Central Manager Central Management Software for Moxas Cellular Devices
Moxa's OnCell Central Manager offers an industrial-grade centralized solution that allows you to configure, manage, and monitor remote devices in a private network over the Web ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa OnCell 5004-HSDPA Industrial tri-band UMTS/HSDPA high speed cellular routers OnCell 5004-HSDPA NEW - Industrial five-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA high-speed Cellular Router
The OnCell 5004-HSDPA are high-performance industrial grade cellular routers that allow up to 4 Ethernet-based devices to simultaneously use a single cellular data account for primary or backup network connectivity to remote sites and devices ... more
Moxa OnCell 5104-HSDPA - Industrial five-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA high-speed Cellular Router OnCell 5104-HSDPA NEW - Industrial five-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA high-speed Cellular Router
The OnCell 5104-HSDPA are high-performance industrial grade cellular routers that allow up to 4 Ethernet-based devices to simultaneously use a single cellular data account for primary or backup network connectivity to remote sites and devices ... more
UMTS Modems
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa OnCell G3110/3150-HSDPA World's first industrial-grade tri-band UMTS IP modem OnCell G3110-HSDPA 1-Port industrial-grade tri-band RS-232 to UMTS/GSM IP Modem
The OnCell G3100-HSDPA series offers connectivity to all tri HSDPA/UMTS frequency bands, as well as all quad GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequency bands (850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz) ... more
Moxa OnCell G3150-HSDPA - Industrial-grade tri-band UMTS/GSM IP modem OnCell G3150-HSDPA 1-Port industrial-grade tri-band RS-232/422/485 to UMTS/GSM IP Modem
The OnCell G3100-HSDPA series offers connectivity to all tri HSDPA/UMTS frequency bands, as well as all quad GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequency bands (850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz) ... more
GSM/GPRS Routers
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa OnCell 5004 Industrial-grade Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Cellular Router OnCell 5004 Industrial-grade Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Cellular Router
The OnCell 5004 is a high-performance industrial grade cellular router that allows up to 4 Ethernet-based devices to simultaneously use a single cellular data account for primary or backup network connectivity to remote sites and devices ... more
Moxa OnCell 5104 - Industrial-grade Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Cellular Router OnCell 5104 Industrial-grade Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Cellular Router
The OnCell 5104 is a high-performance industrial grade cellular router that allows up to 4 Ethernet-based devices to simultaneously use a single cellular data account for primary or backup network connectivity to remote sites and devices ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa OnCell G2100 Series Industrial quad-band GSM/GPRS Modems OnCell G2100 1-Port industrial quad-band RS-232/422/485 to GSM/GPRS Modem
The OnCell G2100 Series of industrial quad-band GSM/GPRS modems are designed to transmit data and short messages (SMS) over GSM/ GPRS mobile networks ... more
Moxa OnCell G3100 Series Industrial quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE IP modem OnCell G3100 1-Port industrial quad-band RS-232/422/485 to GSM/GPRS/EDGE IP modem
The OnCell G3100 industrial RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 GSM/GPRS/EDGE IP modems are designed to transmit data and short messages (SMS) over GSM/GPRS/EDGE cellular networks ... more
Moxa OnCell G3111/G3211 1- or 2-Port RS-232 GSM/GPRS IP Modem OnCell G3111/G3211 1-Port / 2-Port industrial quad-band RS-232 to GSM/GPRS IP Modem
The Moxa OnCell G3111 and G3211 are a cost effective cellular GSM/GPRS IP modem featuring one/two transparent RS-232 connections of serial devices to a cellular network ... more
Moxa OnCell G3151/G3251 1- or 2-Port RS-232/422/485 GSM/GPRS IP Modem OnCell G3151/G3251 1-Port / 2-Port industrial quad-band RS-232/422/485 to GSM/GPRS IP Modem
The Moxa OnCell G3151 and G3251 are a cost effective cellular GSM/GPRS IP modem featuring transparent RS-232/422/485 connections of serial devices to a cellular network ... more
GPRS Remote I/O
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa ioLogik W5312 - Active GPRS I/O with 8 DIs, 4 DIOs, and 8 DOs ioLogik W5312 Active GPRS Remote I/O with 8 DIs, 4 DIOs, and 8 DOs
Moxa's ioLogik W5312 Active GPRS Remote I/O is a rugged, compact solution for remote monitoring and alarm systems. With the ioLogik W5312, you can define a GPRS connective strategy, including Always-On and Wake-On-Demand, to optimize data transfer rates for different applications ... more
Moxa ioLogik W5340 GPRS Remote I/O with 4 AIs, 8 DIOs, and 2 Relay Outputs ioLogik W5340 Active GPRS Remote I/O with 4 AIs, 8 DIOs, and 2 Relay Outputs
The ioLogik W5340 is designed for cellular remote monitoring and alarm systems, such as automated river monitoring and pipeline monitoring. It supports GPRS, Ethernet LAN, and RS-232/422/485 communications and offers several digital and analog local I/Os ... more
Moxa ioLogik W5340-HSDPA - Active UMTS/HSDPA Remote I/O with 4 AIs, 8 DIOs, and 2 Relay Outputs ioLogik W5340-HSDPA NEW - Active UMTS/HSDPA Remote I/O with 4 AIs, 8 DIOs, and 2 Relay Outputs
The ioLogik W5340-HSDPA is designed for cellular remote monitoring and alarm systems, such as automated river monitoring and pipeline monitoring. It supports HSDPA, Ethernet LAN, and RS-232/422/485 communications and offers several digital and analog local I/Os ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa W315 RISC-based embedded computers with GSM/GPRS, LAN, and 1 serial port W315 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 1 serial Port, LAN, Linux OS
The Moxa W315 is an embedded Linux computer that features 1 software selectable RS-232/422/485 port, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W325 Mini RISC-based Ready-to-Run Wireless Embedded Computer with GSM/GPRS, 2 Serial Ports, LAN, SD, Linux OS W325 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 2 serial Ports, LAN, SD, Linux OS
The Moxa 325 is an embedded Linux computer that features 2 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W345 RISC-based Ready-to-Run Wireless Embedded Computer W345 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 4 Serial Ports, LAN, SD, USB, Relay Output, Linux OS
The W345 is an embedded Linux computer that features 4 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W406 RISC-based wireless embedded computer with GSM/GPRS/EDGE W406 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 2 serial Ports, LAN, SD, 4 DI, 4 DO, Linux or WindowsCE OS
The W406 is an embedded Linux or WindowsCE computer that features 2 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication. It also comes with an SD socket, USB host ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Industrial WiFi Access Points, Bridges, and Clients  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
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Application Notes Wireless Applications Transportation Industrial Wireless Networks for the Rail Industry
Contents: ► Reliable On-board and Train-to-ground Wireless Communication ► Real Time Monitor of Rail Track Status Using a Redundant Wireless Link ► WLAN Enables Constant Connectivity between Moving Trains and Trackside
54 Mb/s IEEE802.11a/b/g WLAN Devices
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa AWK-3121 Series Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Access Point/Bridge/Client AWK-3121 Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Access Point/Bridge/Client, EN50155
The Moxa AWK-3121 is a Access Point/Bridge/Client rated to operate at temperatures ranging from 0...+60°C for standard models and -40...+75°C for extended temperature models ... more
Moxa AWK-4121 IP67 IEEE 802.11a/b/g wireless Access Point/Bridge/Client for Outdoors AWK-4121 IP68 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client, EN50155
Moxas AWK-4121 outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client is an ideal 3-in-1 solution for industrial applications that require a resillient connection to a TCP/IP network. The AWK-4121 is EN50155 compliant ... more
Moxa AWK-5222 Series AWK-5222 Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g Dual-RF wireless AP/Bridge/Client
With two independent RF modules and Moxa's Turbo Roaming™ Technology, the AWK-5222 supports a greater variety of wireless configurations and applications. It can also increase the reliability of entire wireless network by enabling redundant wireless connections more
Moxa AWK-6222 Outdoor IEEE 802.11a/b/g dual-RF wireless AP/Bridge/Client AWK-6222 Outdoor IEEE 802.11a/b/g Dual-RF wireless AP/Bridge/Client
The Moxa AWK-6222 outdoor dual-RF wireless AP/Bridge/Client provides a flexible solution for industrial applications in a critical environment. The AWK-6222 is rated to operate at temperatures ranging from -40...+75°C and offers Moxa's Turbo Roaming™ Technology ... more
300 Mb/s IEEE802.11n WLAN Devices
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa AWK-3131 - Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless AP/Bridge/Client AWK-3131 NEW - Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless AP/Bridge/Client, EN50155
The Moxa AWK-3131 industrial a/b/g/n outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client products are ideal wireless solutions for hard-to-wire applications that use mobile equipment connected over a TCP/IP network ... more
Moxa AWK-3132 - Industrial IEEE 802.11n wireless AP/Bridge/Client AWK-3132 Industrial IEEE 802.11n wireless AP/Bridge/Client, EN50155
The Moxa AWK-3132 industrial a/b/g/n outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client products are ideal wireless solutions for hard-to-wire applications that use mobile equipment connected over a TCP/IP network ... more
Moxa AWK-4131 - IP68 IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client AWK-4131 NEW - IP68 IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client, EN50155
The Moxa AWK-4131 industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client provides up to 300 Mbit/s datarate for hard-to-wire applications. The AWK-4131 supports redundant power source and PoE feed ... more
Moxa AWK-4132 - Industrial IEEE 802.11n Outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client AWK-4132 IP68 IEEE 802.11n Outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client, EN50155
The Moxa AWK-4132 industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client provides up to 300 Mbit/s datarate for hard-to-wire applications. The AWK-4132 supports redundant power source and PoE feed ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Wireless LAN Device Servers  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
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Moxa NPort W2150/2250 Plus 1 and 2-port RS-232/422/485 IEEE 802.11a/b/g wireless device servers NPort W2150/2250 Plus 1-Port / 2-Port RS-232/422/485 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Device Servers
The NPort® W2150 Plus and W2250 Plus are the ideal choice for connecting your serial devices, such as PLCs, meters, and sensors, to a wireless LAN ... more
Moxa WE-2100T Wireless LAN embedded serial device servers WE-2100T Wireless LAN embedded serial device servers
The WE-2100T is a secure and compact embedded wireless module for connecting serial devices to access points in infrastructure mode, or to other WE-2100T's in ad-hoc mode ... more
Moxa NPort W2004 4-port RS-232/422/485 IEEE 802.11b/g wireless device server NPort W2004 4-Port RS-232/422/485 IEEE 802.11b/g wireless Device Server
The NPort® W2004 wireless device server provides a convenient means of reducing the number of cables for hard-to-wire applications. Both Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc modes are supported ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  Wireless embedded Computers  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
MOXAs embedded Computer auf ARM9 Basis mit integrierten WLAN und GSM / GPRS / EDGE Interface bieten dem Anwender auf kleinstem Raum vielseitige Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten und eine leistungsstarke Rechnerplattform. Die umfangreiche Schnittstellenpalette der energiesparenden Geräte umfasst serielle und LAN Ports, SDcard-Slots und USB sowie digitale I/Os. Dank vorinstallierten Linux oder Windows CE Betriebssystemen und MOXAs Ready-to-Go Entwicklungsumgebungen können Sie Ihr Projekt ohne Vorarbeiten beginnen.
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embedded Computers with WLAN Interface
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa W311 RISC-based embedded Linux computers with WLAN, LAN, and 1 serial port W311 embedded Linux RISC Computer with WLAN, LAN, and 1 serial Port
The Moxa W311 is an embedded Linux computer that features 1 software selectable RS-232/422/485 port, and supports the IEEE 802.1a/b/g standards for WLAN connections. In addition, the computer has 1 Ethernet port for wired network communication ... more
Moxa W321 RISC-based embedded Linux computers with WLAN, LAN, and 2 serial ports W321 embedded RISC Computer with WLAN, LAN, and 2 serial Ports, Linux OS
The Moxa W321 is an embedded Linux computer that features 2 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, and support the IEEE 802.1a/b/g standards for WLAN connections ... more
Moxa W341 RISC-based embedded Linux computers with WLAN, LAN, and 4 serial ports W341 embedded RISC Computer with WLAN, LAN, and 4 serial Ports Linux OS
The Moxa 341 is an embedded Linux computer that features 4 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, and support the IEEE 802.1a/b/g standards for WLAN connections ... more
embedded Computers with GSM Interface
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa W315 RISC-based embedded computers with GSM/GPRS, LAN, and 1 serial port W315 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 1 serial Port, LAN, Linux OS
The Moxa W315 is an embedded Linux computer that features 1 software selectable RS-232/422/485 port, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W325 Mini RISC-based Ready-to-Run Wireless Embedded Computer with GSM/GPRS, 2 Serial Ports, LAN, SD, Linux OS W325 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 2 serial Ports, LAN, SD, Linux OS
The Moxa 325 is an embedded Linux computer that features 2 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W345 RISC-based Ready-to-Run Wireless Embedded Computer W345 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS, 4 Serial Ports, LAN, SD, USB, Relay Output, Linux OS
The W345 is an embedded Linux computer that features 4 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication ... more
Moxa W406 RISC-based wireless embedded computer with GSM/GPRS/EDGE W406 embedded RISC Computer with GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 2 serial Ports, LAN, SD, 4 DI, 4 DO, Linux or WindowsCE OS
The W406 is an embedded Linux or WindowsCE computer that features 2 software selectable RS-232/422/485 ports, 1 Ethernet port, and quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/850/1900 MHz for cellular communication. It also comes with an SD socket, USB host ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  WiFi Power Amplifiers  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
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Moxa A-WPA-5410gM-IDU - Wireless LAN Power Amplifier for 5 GHz Band A-WPA-5410gM-IDU Wireless LAN Power Amplifier for 5 GHz Band
Bidirectional WLAN (WiFi) power amplifier for the 5 GHz band with 1 W RF output ... more
Moxa A-WPA-2410gM-IDU - Wireless LAN Power Amplifier for 2.4 GHz Band A-WPA-2410gM-IDU Wireless LAN Power Amplifier for 2.4 GHz Band
Bidirectional WLAN (WiFi) power amplifier for the 2.4 GHz band with 1 W RF output ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  GSM, UMTS, and WiFi Antennas  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
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GSM und UMTS Antennen / Cellular Antennas
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa Cellular Antennas Cellular Antennas GSM/GPRS and UMTS/HSDPA/WCDMA Cellular Antennas
Antennas and Kits adopted to work with Moxa's cellular devices ...
Moxa ANT-CQB-ASM-01 Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna ANT-CQB-ASM-01 Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna with 1 dBi Gain
Omni directional GSM/GPRS rubber antenna with 1 dBi gain and SMA connector ... more
Moxa ANT-CQB-AHSM-00-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna ANT-CQB-AHSM-00-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna with 0 dBi Gain and 3 m Cable
Omni directional 10 cm GSM/GPRS Antenna with 0 dBi Gain. Magnetic foot, 3 m cable and SMA connector ... more
Moxa ANT-CQB-AHSM-03-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna ANT-CQB-AHSM-03-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna with 3 dBi Gain and 3 m Cable
Omni directional 25 cm GSM/GPRS Antenna with 3 dBi Gain. Magnetic foot, 3 m cable and SMA connector ... more
Moxa ANT-CQB-AHSM-05-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna ANT-CQB-AHSM-05-3m Omni directional GSM/GPRS Antenna with 5 dBi Gain and 3 m Cable
Omni directional 37 cm GSM/GPRS Antenna with 5 dBi Gain. Magnetic foot, 3 m cable and SMA connector ... more
Moxa ANT-WCDMA-AHSM-04-2.5m - Omni directional GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA Antenna with 4 dBi Gain and 2.5 m Cable ANT-WCDMA-AHSM-04-2.5m NEW - Omni directional GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA Antenna with 4 dBi Gain and 2.5 m Cable
Omni directional 11 cm Antenna for 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz with 4 dBi Gain. Magnetic foot, 2.5 m cable and SMA (male) connector ... more
Moxa ANT-WCDMA-ASM Omni directional HSDPA/UMTS Antenna ANT-WCDMA-ASM-1.5 Omni directional HSDPA/UMTS Antenna with 1.5 dBi Gain
Omni directional 10.4 cm HSDPA/UMTS Antenna with 1.5 dBi Gain and SMA connector ... more
Moxa ANT-WCDMA-ANF-00 - Five-band GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA, Omni directional, 0 dBi, Glass fiber, N-type (female) ANT-WCDMA-ANF-00 NEW - Five-band GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA, Omni directional, 0 dBi, Glass fiber, N-type (female)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-type female connector for device attach via cable. more
Moxa CRF-SMA(M)/N(M)-300 - 3 m CFD200 cable, N-Type (male) to SMA (male) Cellular Antenna Cable CRF-SMA(M)/N(M)-300 NEW - 3 m CFD200 cable, N-Type (male) to SMA (male) Cellular Antenna Cable
3 m N-Type (male) to SMA (male) low-loss cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor cellular router, modem, and ioLogik remote I/O ... more
WLAN Richtantennen // Directional WiFi Antennas
Richtantennen für WLAN Access-Points, Bridges, Clients und Device-Server. // Directional antennas for wireless LAN access points, bridges, clients, and device servers.
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa Wi-Fi Antennas Wi-Fi Antennas WLAN Antenna Product Survey
The speed of your wireless connection will vary depending on the strength of the signal you can receive and transmit. Antenna selection can therefore have a significant impact on the speed of your wireless link ...
Moxa ANT-WSB-PNF-12 2.4 GHz WLAN Panel Antenna, Gain 12 dBi ANT-WSB-PNF-12 2.4 GHz WLAN Directional Panel Antenna, 12 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-type female connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222 Series, and NPort W2250/2150 Plus, ... more
Moxa ANT-WSB5-PNF-18 5 GHz Directional Panel Antenna ANT-WSB5-PNF-18 5 GHz Directional Panel Antenna with 18 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Directional WLAN panel antenna with 18 dBi gain and N-type (female) connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222 Series, ... more
Moxa ANT-WSB-PNF-18 2.4 GHz Panel Antenna with 18 dBi Gain ANT-WSB-PNF-18 2.4 GHz Directional Panel Antenna, 18 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Directional WLAN panel antenna with 18 dBi gain and N-type (female) connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222, NPort W2150 Plus, NPort W2250 Plus, and NPort W2004 Series, ... more
Moxa ANT-WDB-PNF-1518 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band Panel Antenna ANT-WDB-PNF-1518 2.4 / 5 GHz Dual-Band Directional Panel Antenna, 15/18 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Dual-Band Directional Panel Antenna with N-type (female) connector. Supported Products: AWK-3121 Series, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222, NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, ... more
WLAN Rundstrahlantennen // Omni-directional WiFi Antennas
Rundstrahltantennen für WLAN Access-Points, Bridges, Clients und Device-Server. // Omni-directional antennas for wireless LAN access points, bridges, clients, and device servers.
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa ANT-WDB-ANM-0502 - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 5/2 dBi Gain, N-Type (male) ANT-WDB-ANM-0502 NEW - 2.4 / 5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 5/2 dBi Gain, N-Type (male)
Dual-band omni-directional antenna with N-Type male connector with direct attach to: AWK-4121, AWK-6222 ... more
Moxa ANT-WDB-ANF-0407 - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 4/7 dBi Gain, N-type (female) ANT-WDB-ANF-0407 NEW - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 4/7 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-type female connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222, NPort W2150 Plus, NPort W2250 Plus, and NPort W2004 Series, ... more
Moxa ANT-WDB-ANM-0407 - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 4/7 dBi Gain, N-Type (male) ANT-WDB-ANM-0407 NEW - 2.4 / 5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 4/7 dBi Gain, N-Type (male)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-Type male connector with direct attach to: AWK-4121, AWK-6222 ... more
Moxa ANT-WDB-ANF-0609 - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 6/9 dBi Gain N-Type (female) ANT-WDB-ANF-0609 2.4 / 5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 6/9 dBi Gain N-Type (female)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-type female connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222, NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, ... more
Moxa ANT-WDB-ANM-0609 - 2.4/5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 6/9 dBi Gain, N-Type Male Connector ANT-WDB-ANM-0609 NEW - 2.4 / 5 GHz Dual-band omni-directional Antenna, 6/9 dBi Gain, N-Type (male)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with N-type male connector for direct attach to AWK-4121, AWK-6222, ... more
Moxa ANT-WSB-AHRM-05 Omni-directional/dipole antenna ANT-WSB-AHRM-05-1.5m 2.4...2.5 GHz Omni-directional/Dipole Antenna with 5 dBi Gain
Supported Products: NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, AWK-3121 Series, and AWK-1100 Series more
Moxa ANT-WSB-ANF-09 Omni-directional antenna ANT-WSB-ANF-09 2.4 GHz Omni-directional Antenna with 9 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Directional WLAN panel antenna with 9 dBi gain and N-type (female) connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: NPort W2150/2250 Plus, NPort W2004 Series, AWK-1100, AWK-1200, AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222 Series, and NPort W2250/2150 Plus ... more
Moxa ANT-WSB5-ANF-12 5 GHz Omni-directional Antenna ANT-WSB5-ANF-12 5 GHz Omni-directional Antenna, 12 dBi Gain, N-type (female)
Dual-band omni-directional fiberglass antenna with 12 dBi gain and N-type female connector for device attach via cable. Supported Products: Supported Products: AWK-3121, AWK-4121, AWK-5222, AWK-6222, NPort W2150 Plus, NPort W2250 Plus, and NPort W2004 ... more
Antenna and WLAN Device Mounting Kits
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa WK-HA1002SU - Antenna Swivel Mounting Kit WK-HA1002SU Antenna Swivel Mounting Kit
Swivel Mounting Kit, Swivel range 90 degree Horizontal, 40 degree Vertical ... more
Moxa AWK-4121 with attached WK-55 Wall Mounting Kit WK-55 AWK-4121 / AWK-6222 Wall Mounting Kit, 55 mm High
Moxa AWK-6222 with attached Pole Mounting Kit PK-DC2DOF AWK-4121 / AWK-6222 Pole Mounting Kit
Moxa AWK-6222 with attched DIN-rail Mounting Kit DK-DC50131 AWK-4121 / AWK-6222 DIN-Rail Mounting Kit, 50 x 131 mm
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  RF-Cables for WiFi and GSM/UMTS  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Manufacturer Photo Part No Description
N-Type to N-Type Cables (WLAN)
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa CRF-N0429N-3M CFD400 cable, N-type male to N-type male, 3 meters CRF-N0429N-3M CFD400 cable, N-type male to N-type male, 3 meters, 1 dB loss
3 m N-type male-male low-loss cable for antenna connection to outdoor AWK series outdoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
Moxa A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-300 - 3 m LMR-400 Lite, N-Type (male) to N-Type (male) Antenna Cable A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-300 NEW - 3 m LMR-400 Lite, N-type (male) to N-type (male) Antenna Cable
3 m N-type male-male low-loss cable for antenna connection to oudoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client ... more
Moxa A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-600 - 6 m N-Type Male-Male Antenna Cable A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-600 6 m LMR-400 Lite, N-type (male) to N-type (male) Antenna Cable
6 m N-type male-male low-loss cable for antenna connection to oudoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client ... more
Moxa A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-900 - 9 m N-Type Male to Male Antenna Cable A-CRF-NMNM-LL4-900 9 m LMR-400 Lite, N-type (male) to N-type (male) Antenna Cable
9 m N-type male-male low-loss cable for antenna connection to oudoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client ... more
N-Type to RP-SMA-Type Cables (WLAN)
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa A-CRF-RMNM-L1-300 - CFD200 cable, N-type (male) to RP SMA (male), 3 m A-CRF-RMNM-L1-300 NEW - 3 m Lite Cable N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) WLAN Antenna Cable
3 m N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) low-loss cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
Moxa A-CRF-RMNM-L1-600 - 6 m Lite Cable N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) Antenna Cable A-CRF-RMNM-L1-600 NEW - 6 m Lite Cable N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) WLAN Antenna Cable
6 m N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) lite cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
Moxa A-CRF-RMNM-L1-900 - 9 m Lite Cable N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) Antenna Cable A-CRF-RMNM-L1-900 NEW - 9 m Lite Cable N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) WLAN Antenna Cable
9 m N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) lite cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
Moxa CRF-N0117SA-3M - 3 m N-type Male To RP SMA Male Cable CRF-N0117SA-3M 3 m CDF200 N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) WLAN Antenna Cable
3 m N-type (male) to RP SMA (male) low-loss cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor AWK series wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
N-Type to SMA-Type Cables (GSM/UMTS)
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa CRF-SMA(M)/N(M)-300 - 3 m CFD200 cable, N-Type (male) to SMA (male) Cellular Antenna Cable CRF-SMA(M)/N(M)-300 NEW - 3 m CFD200 cable, N-Type (male) to SMA (male) Cellular Antenna Cable
3 m N-Type (male) to SMA (male) low-loss cable for outdoor antenna connection to indoor cellular router, modem, and ioLogik remote I/O ... more
SMA-Type to SMA-Type Cables (GSM/UMTS)
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Moxa A-CRF-RFRM-S1-060 - 3 m RP-SMA Male to RP-SMA Female Cable A-CRF-RFRM-S1-060 0,6 m S141 RP-SMA (male) to RP-SMA (female) WLAN Antenna Cable
0,6 m RP-SMA (male) to RP-SMA (female) low-loss cable for antenna connection to AWK series indoor wireless AP/Bridge/Client. more
Insulation Tape
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
diverse L208.450 Selbstverschweissendes Gummi–Isolierband ANT-ISO-Rub-401 Selbstverschweißendes Gummi–Isolierband
Selbstverschweißendes Gummi–Isolierband zur Abdichtung von Kabel-/Stecker-übergängen an Antennenanschlüssen auf Kautschuk-Basis, weitgehend beständig gegen Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitseinwirkung, dauerelastisch auch unter 0°C ... more
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
  RF Caps and Terminators  
德国systerra <wbr>computer <wbr>GmbH工业网关 <wbr>无线路由器,接入点,网桥,设备服务器,电脑和调制解调器
Manufacturer Photo Part No Description
Moxa A-SA-NMNF-01 - N-Type Surge Arrestor A-SA-NMNF-01 NEW - N-Type Surge Arrestor
N-type female to N-type male surge arrestor for AWK series WLAN outdoor devices. Bandwith 0...6 GHz ... more
Moxa A-CAP-N-M- Knurled Metal Cap for N-type Connectors A-CAP-N-M Knurled Metal Cap for N-type Connectors
Waterproof cover for unused N-Type antenna terminals ... more
Moxa A-TRM-50-NM - Terminating Resistor, 50 Ω, N-type Male A-TRM-50-NM Terminating Resistor, 50 Ω, N-type Male
Moxa A-TRM-50-RM - Terminating Resistor, 50 ohm, RP-SMA Male A-TRM-50-RM Terminating Resistor, 50 Ω, RP-SMA Male