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Perlwitz Armaturen GmbH阀门-品牌详细-豪思仪器仪表设备有限公司
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969053321̸ 1594501713̸
   测量仪器仪表 | 分析仪器仪表
   实验仪器仪表 | 环境气象仪器
   电工仪器仪表 | 通讯监测仪器
   测试校验仪器 | 专用仪器仪表
   气体检测仪表 |
   温度/压力/流量/物位传感器 | 角度/位移/位置/传感器
   在线分析仪表 | 信号转换器/隔离器/安全栅/中继器/调理器
   显示器/数显表 | 控制器/PLC/
   自动化系统 | DCS/FCS/总线
   通讯模块 | 数据采集
   数据终端 | 监控监视
   计算机 | 软件
   电子元件 | 电工电器
   电机 | 减速机
   轴承 | 链条
   导轨 | 电源
   风机 | 电器
   泵阀 | 油缸
   气缸 | 密封
   过滤 | 接插
   调节 |
   机床附件 | 刀具夹具
   数控数显 |
   4101工业自动调节仪表与控制系统 | 4102工业仪表
   4103电工仪器仪表 | 4104绘图、计算及测量装置
   4105分析仪器及装置 | 4106实验机械,相关检测仪器
   4107环境监测专用仪器仪表 | 4108汽车仪表,相关计数仪表
   4109导航仪器及装置 | 4110大地测量仪器
   4111气象、水文仪器及装置 | 4112农林牧渔专用仪器仪表
   4113地质勘探和地震专用仪器 | 4114教学专用仪器
   4115核子及核辐射测量仪器 | 4116光学、电子测量仪器
   4117纺织仪器,相关专用测试仪器 |
   4001通信传输设备 | 4002通信交换设备
   4003通信终端设备 | 4004移动通信设备
   4005移动通信终端设备及零部件 | 4006通信接入设备
   4007雷达、无线电导航及无线电遥控设备 | 4008广播电视设备
   4009电子计算机及其部件 | 4010计算机网络设备
   4011电子计算机外部设备及装置 | 4012电子计算机配套产品及耗材
   4013信息系统安全产品 | 4014真空电子器件及零件
   4015半导体分立器件 | 4016光电子器件及激光器材
   4017集成电路 | 4018微电子组件
   4019电子元件 | 4020敏感元件及传感器
   4021印刷电路板 | 4022家用音视频设备
   4099其他未列明电子设备 |
   3901发电机 | 3902发电机组、内燃发电机组及旋转式变流机
   3903电动机 | 3904变压器、整流器和电感器
   3905电力电容器及其配套设备 | 3906高压开关设备
   3907配电或电器控制设备 | 3908电力电子元器件
   3909电线电缆 | 3910光纤、光缆
   3911绝缘制品 | 3912内燃机电点火起动装置,相关电工器材
   3913电池及其零部件 |
   3501锅炉及辅助设备 | 3502发动机
   3503汽轮机、燃气轮机 | 3504水轮机及辅机
   3505非电力相关原动机 | 3506金属切削机床
   3507金属成型机床 | 3508金属非切削、成型加工机械
   3509数控机床及加工机械 | 3510机床附件及辅助装置
   3511焊接设备 | 3512轻小型起重设备
   3513起重机 | 3514工业车辆
   3515连续搬运设备 | 3516电梯、自动扶梯及升降机
   3517立体仓库设备,相关物料搬运设备 | 3518泵及液体提升机
   3519气体压缩机 | 3520阀门和龙头
   3521液压元件、系统及装置 | 3522气动元件、系统及装置
   3523真空应用设备 | 3524轴承及其零件
   3525齿轮、传动轴和驱动部件 | 3526密封垫及类似接合衬垫
   3527窑炉、熔炉及电炉 | 3528风机、风扇及类似设备
   3529气体分离及液化设备 | 3530利用温度变化加工机械
   3531液体气体过滤、净化机械 | 3532工商用制冷、空调设备
   3533风动和电动工具 | 3534喷枪及类似器具
   3535包装专用设备 | 3536衡器(秤)
   3537衡器零配件 | 3538金属铸件
   3539锻件、粉末冶金件 | 3599其他通用设备和零件
   3601矿山专用设备 | 3602石油钻探、开采专用设备
   3603建筑工程用机械 | 3604建筑材料及制品专用生产机械
   3605玻璃、陶瓷制品生产专用设备 | 3606冶金专用设备
   3607炼油、化工生产专用设备 | 3608橡胶加工专用设备
   3609塑料加工专用设备 | 3610木材加工、处理机械
   3611模具 | 3612硬质材料加工机床及其零件
   3613非金属相关成型、加工机械 | 3614食品制造机械
   3615乳品加工机械 | 3616酒及饮料加工机械
   3617烟草、盐加工机械 | 3618农产品加工专用设备
   3619饲料生产专用设备 | 3620食品、饮料、烟草专用生产设备零件
   3621制浆和造纸专用设备 | 3622印刷专用设备
   3623信息化学品生产设备 | 3624制药专用设备
   3625照明器具生产专用设备 | 3626日用化工专用设备
   3627搪瓷制品,相关日用品生产设备 | 3628纺织专用制品
   3629皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备 | 3630服装、鞋帽加工机械
   3631电工机械专用设备 | 3632电子工业专用设备
   3633武器、弹药及其零件 | 3634金属处理机械
   3635航空、航天设备,相关专用设备 | 3636拖拉机及农林牧渔用挂车
   3637机械化农业及园艺机具 | 3638营林及木竹采伐机械
   3639畜牧机械 | 3940渔业捕捞养殖机械
   3641农产品初加工机械 | 3942农林牧渔机械零配件
   3643医疗仪器设备及器械 | 3944口腔科用设备及器具
   3945医用消毒灭菌设备 | 3646医疗、外科及兽医用器械
   3647机械治疗及病房护理设备 | 3648假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械
   3949医疗、外科、牙科或兽医用家具 | 3950环境污染防治专用设备
   3651地质勘查专用设备 | 3952邮政专用机械及器材
   3953商业、饮食、服务专用设备 | 3654社会公共安全设备及器材
   3955交通安全及管制专用设备 | 3656水资源专用机械
   3657机器人及具有独立功能专用机械 | 3699其他专用设备及零部件
Perlwitz Armaturen GmbH阀门

Perlwitz Armaturen GmbH阀门

德国Perlwitz Armaturen GmbH阀门




060210 + 060260

perfection cocks in cast iron and bronze


06 - 02


boiler fill and drain cocks


06 - 03


drain cocks DIN 87001 B, bronze, straight drain


06 - 04


drain cocks DIN 87001 B, bronze, curved drain


06 - 05


two-way cocks DIN 87010 A, bronze


06 - 06


two-way cocks DIN 87010 B, bronze


06 - 07


straight plug cocks, bronze, without stuffing-box


06 - 08


straight plug cocks, bronze, with stuffing-box


06 - 09

061560 + 061660

boiler blow-out cocks, bronze


06 - 09

068160 + 068260

three way plug cocks, bronze


06 - 11

061710 + 061715

flanged plug cocks, cast iron


06 - 12


flanged plug cocks, bronze


06 - 13

061810 + 061815

flanged 3-way-cocks, cast iron, L - bore


06 - 14

061910 + 061915

flanged 3-way-cocks, cast iron, T - bore


06 - 15

061860 + 061960

flanged 3-way-cocks, bronze


06 - 16


ball valves, female screwed, nickled brass


06 - 17


ball valves, male x female screwed, nickled brass


06 - 18


ball valves, female screwed, brass, DIN-DVGW


06 - 19


ball valves, female screwed, stainless steel


06 - 20


high pressure ball valves, female screwed


06 - 21

062240 I

high pressure ball valves, Eo -cutting ring union "L"


06 - 22

062240 II

high pressure ball valves, Eo -cutting ring union "S"


06 - 23


3-way- high pressure ball valves, Eo- cutting ring


06 - 24

?063505 + 063510

flanged ball valves, cast iron


06 - 25

?063521 + 063531

flanged ball valves, nodular iron, DVGW


06 - 26

064050 + 065050

3–way ball valves, female screwed, stainless steel


06 - 27

064065 + 065065

3-way ball valves, female screwed, nickled brass


06 - 28


flanged ball valves, complete stainless steel


06 - 29

064905 + 064910

ball valves, compact type, cast iron


06 - 30


ball valves, compact type, steel


06 - 31


3-way compact ball valves, steel


06 - 32


ball valves, compact type, complete stainless steel


06 - 33


sounding cocks DIN 86120 A, bronze


06 - 34


oil tank cocks DIN 87003, bronze


06 - 35


pressure gauge cocks, brass, female screwed


06 - 36


pressure gauge cocks, brass, male x female


06 - 37

069250 + 069265

pressure gauge cocks DIN 16260/DIN 16262


06 - 38

069350 + 069365

pressure gauge cocks DIN 16263, control flange


06 - 39

069351 + 069366

pressure gauge cocks with round control flange


06 - 40

069450 + 069465

pressure gauge cocks with test connection


06 - 41

069540 + 069550 + 069565

pressure gauge valves DIN 16270


06 - 42

069640 + 069650 + 069665

pressure gauge valves DIN 16270, test connection


06 - 43

069850 + 069880 + 069851 + 069881

water tubes PN 25, steel + stainless steel


06 - 44

069950 + 069980 + 069951 + 069981

water tubes PN 200, DIN 16282 steel + stainless steel






07 - 01

071075 + 071575

wafer type, cast iron/alubronze/NBR


07 - 02

071075 + 071575

lever + gear box for 071075/071575


07 - 03

072050 + 072055

wafer type, st.steel/st.steel/PTFE


07 - 04

072050 + 072055

lever + gear box for 072050/072055


07 - 05


wafer type, cast iron/st.steel/EPDM, with lever


07 - 06


wafer type, cast iron/st.steel/EPDM, with lever


07 - 07

076175 + 076675

mono flanged type, cast iron/alubronze/NBR


07 - 08

076175 + 076675

lever + gear box for 076175/076675


07 - 09

077075 + 077575

double flanged type, nodular iron/alubronze/NBR


07 - 10

077075 + 077575

lever + gear box for 077075/077575


07 - 11

078075 + 078175

"lug" – type, cast iron/alubronze/NBR


07 - 12

078075 + 078175

lever + gear box for 078075/078175






08 - 01

083205 + 083305

DIN 3232 PN 16 cast iron / brass


08 - 02

083206 + 083306

DIN 3232 PN 16 cast iron, soft-sealing


08 - 03

083210 + 083310

DIN 3232 PN 16 cast iron / stainless steel


08 - 04

083215 + 083315

DIN 3232 PN 16 cast iron / bronze


08 - 05

083230 + 083330

DIN 3232 PN 16 cast steel / stainless steel


08 - 06

083250 + 083350

DIN 3232 PN 26 complete stainless steel


08 - 07

084010 + 084020

disc-swing check valves, with lever and weight


08 - 08


screwed swing check valves, stainless steel


08 - 09


screwed swing check valves, bronze


08 - 10

085070 + 085080 + 085085 + 085090

sandwich swing check valves PN 10/16 bronze, steel or stainless steel


08 - 11

086070 + 086080 + 086090

duo-check valves PN 10/16/25 nodular iron, steel or stainless steel


08 - 12


storm valves, straight type, DIN 87101, cast steel


08 - 13


storm valves, angle type, DIN HNA, cast steel


08 - 14


elbow for welding DIN 86066, cast steel





090160 + 090280

fire - shore connections, filling – connections


09 - 02

090281 + 090282 + 090283 + 090284

adaptor flanges, for fitting filling-conneciton acc. to ISO 5620


09 - 03

090380 + 090381 + 090382

discharge connections DIN 86285 Marpol


09 - 04

090480 + 090481 + 090482 + 090483

discharge connections DIN 86282 Marpol


09 - 05

091080 + 091180

welding flanges acc. to DIN 2633 + DIN 2635


09 - 06

091680 + 091780

threaded flanges + blind flanges


09 - 07

092265 + 092280

drain fittings acc. to DIN 87721


09 - 08


oil level indicators in brass


09 - 09

0935G + 0935 W + 0935T + 0935GE

union fittings (cutting ring unions)


09 - 10

093650 + 093665 + 093680

non return valves with cutting ring union


09 - 11

094065 + 094165

soldering unions acc. to DIN 86140


09 - 12

094080 + 094180

welding unions acc. to DIN 86140


09 - 13


welding nipples acc. to DIN 86103


09 - 14

096080 + 096180

sound tube deck plates acc. to DIN 86111


09 - 15


flanged foot valves with strainer


09 - 16


screwed foot valves with strainer


09 - 17

096980 + 096981

suction strainer acc. to DIN 87160 and similar


09 - 18

097065 + 097165

hose adaptors, system "Storz"


09 - 19

097510 + 097520

rubber expansion joints


09 - 20

097830 + 097850

pipe couplings


09 - 21


hand wing pumps acc. to DIN 5437


09 - 22


hand diaphragm pumps


09 - 23


tank vent check valves


09 - 24


scupper acc. to DIN 87224


100011 + 100012

angle relief valves, threaded ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 02

100101 + 100102

angle safety valves, threaded ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 03

100191 + 100192

full lift angle safety valves, threaded ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 04

100052 + 100053

angle relief valves, threaded ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 05


angle safety valves, threaded ends in bronze/brass, for liquids


10 - 06


angle safety valves, threaded ends in bronze/brass, for air and gases


10 - 07


angle relief valves, threaded ends in brass/bronze


10 - 08


angle safety valves, threaded ends in stainless steel/bronze, for cryogenic gases


10 - 09


angle safety valves, threaded ends bronze/brass, with enlarged outlet


10 - 10


relief valves, threaded inlet in brass, with free blow-out


10 - 11


safety valves, threaded inlet in brass, with free blow-out


10 - 12

100300 + 100320

safety valves, threaded inlet in brass, with free blow-out, 30 + 32 bar


10 - 13

101101 + 101102

safety valves, threaded inlet in steel or stainless steel, with free blow-out


10 - 14

100031 + 100032

relief valves, flanged ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 15

100301 + 100302

safety valves, flanged ends in steel or stainless steel


10 - 16

107110 + 107210 + 107310

safety valves, flanged ends in cast iron


10 - 17

107130 + 107230 + 107330

safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel


10 - 18

100311 + 100312

safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel or stainless steel, enlarged outlet


10 - 19

100321 + 100322

full lift safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel or stainless steel, enlarged outlet


10 - 20

109110 + 109210 + 109310

full lift safety valves, flanged ends in cast iron, enlarged outlet


10 - 21

109130 + 109230 + 109330

full lift safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel, enlarged outlet


10 - 22

100331 + 100332

full lift safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel or stainless steel, enlarged outlet


10 - 23

105110 + 105210 + 105310

safety valves, flanged ends in cast iron, straight type


10 - 24

105130 + 105230 + 105330

safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel, straight type


10 - 25

100543 + 100544

double safety valves, flanged ends in cast steel


10 - 26

102710 + 102730

overflow valves, flanged ends in cast iron or steel, straight type


10 - 27

100902 + 100903

vacuum- and pressure relief valves, threaded inlet in brass or stainless steel


10 - 28

100912 + 100913

vacuum relief valves, threaded inlet in brass or stainless steel







reducing valve for gases, threaded ends in brass/plastic; 1 – 10 bar


11 - 02


reducing valve for gases, threaded ends in bronze/brass; 1,5 – 8 bar


11 - 03


reducing valve for gases, threaded ends In bronze/brass; 1,5 – 20 bar


11 - 04


reducing valve for gases, threaded ends in bronze/brass; 1,5 – 8 bar


11 - 05


reducing valve for water, bronze PN 16, with screwed fittings


11 - 06


reducing valve for water, bronze PN 25, with screwed fittings


11 - 07


reducing valve with threaded ends complete in stainless steel


11 - 08


reducing valve, flanged ends in cast iron, for liquids


11 - 09


reducing valve, flanged ends in cast iron, for steam


11 - 11


reducing valve, flanged ends in bronze/brass; 1,5 – 8 bar


11 - 11


reducing valve, flanged ends in cast iron, for gases and liquids


11 - 12


reducing valve; flanged ends in bronze/brass; 1,5 – 20 bar


11 - 13


reducing valve; flanged ends in bronze, for liquids


11 - 14


reducing valve; flanged ends complete in stainless steel






single filter for fuel oil; flanged connection


12 - 02


single filter for fuel oil; screwed connection


12 - 03


double filter for fuel oil; flanged connection straight type


12 - 04


double filter for fuel oil; flanged connection - in- and outlet on the same side -


12 - 05

121512 + 161612

mud-box in cast iron; flanged connection straight and angle type


12 - 06


strainers "Y" – type, cast iron PN 16, flanged connection


12 - 07


strainers "Y" – type, cast steel PN 40, flanged connection


12 - 08


strainers "Y" – type, stainless steel PN 16; flanged connection


12 - 09


strainers "Y" – type, bronze PN 16, screwed connection


12 - 10


strainers "Y" – type, stainless steel PN 40, screwed connection


12 - 11

129080 + 129081

oil- and water separator in steel flanged connection or screwed connection


12 - 12

129680 + 129780

steam traps in steel flanged connection or screwed connection