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Gebr. Liebisch GmbH测试模块-品牌详细-豪思仪器仪表设备有限公司
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969053321̸ 1594501713̸
   测量仪器仪表 | 分析仪器仪表
   实验仪器仪表 | 环境气象仪器
   电工仪器仪表 | 通讯监测仪器
   测试校验仪器 | 专用仪器仪表
   气体检测仪表 |
   温度/压力/流量/物位传感器 | 角度/位移/位置/传感器
   在线分析仪表 | 信号转换器/隔离器/安全栅/中继器/调理器
   显示器/数显表 | 控制器/PLC/
   自动化系统 | DCS/FCS/总线
   通讯模块 | 数据采集
   数据终端 | 监控监视
   计算机 | 软件
   电子元件 | 电工电器
   电机 | 减速机
   轴承 | 链条
   导轨 | 电源
   风机 | 电器
   泵阀 | 油缸
   气缸 | 密封
   过滤 | 接插
   调节 |
   机床附件 | 刀具夹具
   数控数显 |
   4101工业自动调节仪表与控制系统 | 4102工业仪表
   4103电工仪器仪表 | 4104绘图、计算及测量装置
   4105分析仪器及装置 | 4106实验机械,相关检测仪器
   4107环境监测专用仪器仪表 | 4108汽车仪表,相关计数仪表
   4109导航仪器及装置 | 4110大地测量仪器
   4111气象、水文仪器及装置 | 4112农林牧渔专用仪器仪表
   4113地质勘探和地震专用仪器 | 4114教学专用仪器
   4115核子及核辐射测量仪器 | 4116光学、电子测量仪器
   4117纺织仪器,相关专用测试仪器 |
   4001通信传输设备 | 4002通信交换设备
   4003通信终端设备 | 4004移动通信设备
   4005移动通信终端设备及零部件 | 4006通信接入设备
   4007雷达、无线电导航及无线电遥控设备 | 4008广播电视设备
   4009电子计算机及其部件 | 4010计算机网络设备
   4011电子计算机外部设备及装置 | 4012电子计算机配套产品及耗材
   4013信息系统安全产品 | 4014真空电子器件及零件
   4015半导体分立器件 | 4016光电子器件及激光器材
   4017集成电路 | 4018微电子组件
   4019电子元件 | 4020敏感元件及传感器
   4021印刷电路板 | 4022家用音视频设备
   4099其他未列明电子设备 |
   3901发电机 | 3902发电机组、内燃发电机组及旋转式变流机
   3903电动机 | 3904变压器、整流器和电感器
   3905电力电容器及其配套设备 | 3906高压开关设备
   3907配电或电器控制设备 | 3908电力电子元器件
   3909电线电缆 | 3910光纤、光缆
   3911绝缘制品 | 3912内燃机电点火起动装置,相关电工器材
   3913电池及其零部件 |
   3501锅炉及辅助设备 | 3502发动机
   3503汽轮机、燃气轮机 | 3504水轮机及辅机
   3505非电力相关原动机 | 3506金属切削机床
   3507金属成型机床 | 3508金属非切削、成型加工机械
   3509数控机床及加工机械 | 3510机床附件及辅助装置
   3511焊接设备 | 3512轻小型起重设备
   3513起重机 | 3514工业车辆
   3515连续搬运设备 | 3516电梯、自动扶梯及升降机
   3517立体仓库设备,相关物料搬运设备 | 3518泵及液体提升机
   3519气体压缩机 | 3520阀门和龙头
   3521液压元件、系统及装置 | 3522气动元件、系统及装置
   3523真空应用设备 | 3524轴承及其零件
   3525齿轮、传动轴和驱动部件 | 3526密封垫及类似接合衬垫
   3527窑炉、熔炉及电炉 | 3528风机、风扇及类似设备
   3529气体分离及液化设备 | 3530利用温度变化加工机械
   3531液体气体过滤、净化机械 | 3532工商用制冷、空调设备
   3533风动和电动工具 | 3534喷枪及类似器具
   3535包装专用设备 | 3536衡器(秤)
   3537衡器零配件 | 3538金属铸件
   3539锻件、粉末冶金件 | 3599其他通用设备和零件
   3601矿山专用设备 | 3602石油钻探、开采专用设备
   3603建筑工程用机械 | 3604建筑材料及制品专用生产机械
   3605玻璃、陶瓷制品生产专用设备 | 3606冶金专用设备
   3607炼油、化工生产专用设备 | 3608橡胶加工专用设备
   3609塑料加工专用设备 | 3610木材加工、处理机械
   3611模具 | 3612硬质材料加工机床及其零件
   3613非金属相关成型、加工机械 | 3614食品制造机械
   3615乳品加工机械 | 3616酒及饮料加工机械
   3617烟草、盐加工机械 | 3618农产品加工专用设备
   3619饲料生产专用设备 | 3620食品、饮料、烟草专用生产设备零件
   3621制浆和造纸专用设备 | 3622印刷专用设备
   3623信息化学品生产设备 | 3624制药专用设备
   3625照明器具生产专用设备 | 3626日用化工专用设备
   3627搪瓷制品,相关日用品生产设备 | 3628纺织专用制品
   3629皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备 | 3630服装、鞋帽加工机械
   3631电工机械专用设备 | 3632电子工业专用设备
   3633武器、弹药及其零件 | 3634金属处理机械
   3635航空、航天设备,相关专用设备 | 3636拖拉机及农林牧渔用挂车
   3637机械化农业及园艺机具 | 3638营林及木竹采伐机械
   3639畜牧机械 | 3940渔业捕捞养殖机械
   3641农产品初加工机械 | 3942农林牧渔机械零配件
   3643医疗仪器设备及器械 | 3944口腔科用设备及器具
   3945医用消毒灭菌设备 | 3646医疗、外科及兽医用器械
   3647机械治疗及病房护理设备 | 3648假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械
   3949医疗、外科、牙科或兽医用家具 | 3950环境污染防治专用设备
   3651地质勘查专用设备 | 3952邮政专用机械及器材
   3953商业、饮食、服务专用设备 | 3654社会公共安全设备及器材
   3955交通安全及管制专用设备 | 3656水资源专用机械
   3657机器人及具有独立功能专用机械 | 3699其他专用设备及零部件
Gebr. Liebisch GmbH测试模块

Gebr. Liebisch GmbH测试模块

德国Gebr. Liebisch GmbH测试模块



Corrosion testing units - general information


Modern controls of quality and corrosion research need test standards to detect the effect of corrosion on material and products.

We know two important kinds of corrosion testing:

  • the real time test in natural conditions
  • the accelerated laboratory test

The greatest advantage of the laboratory test in a corrosion testing chamber is, that the user gets a quick result of the corrosion of the test samples. The quick reaction is achieved by increasing the temperature and the concentration of the medium, used in the test.

Desk type 300 litre
Cabinet type 1000 litre
Chest type 1000 litre

Desk type unit

Cabinet type unit

Chest type unit


Liebisch corrosion testing units are designed and constructed especially for these tests. Most of the frequently used standards can be performed with these units. We would be pleased to send you information on this.



Several types of test chambers are used to test samples to different corrosion conditions. Using temperature and humidity corrosion conditions are created in the test chamber. By adding aggressive test solution or pollution gas the effect can be intensified.


The most important tests are salt spray tests, condensation water tests and pollution gas tests with high humidity. The methods are performed individually or combined. Different national and international norms and standards are applied.

Important standards

Possible units

Condensation water test DIN EN ISO 6270-2 (old DIN 50017) 


Condensed water is generated on the test samples at a test chamber temperature of 40°C. Demineralized water is loaded into the chamber and heated for evaporating. The relative humidity is appr. 100%. Periods of high humidity can be combined with periods of ventilation or cooling down.

K400 M-SC    K400 M-TR   K1000 M-SC  K1000 M-TR  K2000 M-SC  K2500 M-TR


Salt spray test DIN EN ISO 9227 (old DIN 50021)


This standard describes the spraying of a salt solution in the chamber at 35°C or 50°C. Acetic acid or copper chloride can be added to the NaCl solution to accelerate the reaction. The fine salt fog condenses on the test samples and initiates corrosion. A salt spray chamber according to DIN EN ISO 9227 is supplied with a minimum volume of 400 litres.

S400 M/A-SC    S400 M/A-TR  S1000 M/A-SC S1000 M/A-TR S2000 M/A-SC  S2500 M/A-TR


Pollution gas test DIN 50018 / DIN EN ISO 6988


This standard is a special condensation test with the addition of sulphur dioxide. It is dosed into the test chamber at the beginning of the test.The gas combines with the demineralized water to sulphurous acid. The contaminated condensate causes a chemical reaction which is similar to the acid rain.

KB 300        KBEA 300      


Alternation test e.g. VDA 621-415 or VW PV1210  


Different producers, associations and institutions have developed standards, which combined periods of condensation climate, salt spray, drying or ventilation. The purpose is to produce real environmental stress.

SKB400 A-SC    SKB400 A-TR  SKB1000 A-SC SKB1000 A-TR SKB2000 A-SC  SKB2500 A-TR

Liebisch process systems


The Liebisch test chambers are defined by a letter code, which is part of the process type description.


Process system S (salt spray)

Process system K (condensed water)

Process system B (ventilation)

Using a two-component nozzle NaCl test solution is sprayed in the test chamber. Humidified compressed air - using demineralized water - sucks in the test solution from a constant level vessel. The fine salt fog is distributed evenly in the chamber. Parts of the system:

  • indirectly heated test chamber with electronical temperature control
  • one or more two-component nozzle(s)
  • supply tank for test solution
  • constant level vessel for test solution supply (alternative: dosing pump)
  • humidifier system with automatic water refill

For the condensation water test demineralized water is filled in the bottom of the chamber. The bottom is heated indirectly, the water evaporates. Parts of the system:

  • indirectly heated test chamber with electronic temperature control
  • system for water refill.                  

The process system “ventilation” is used for ventilating, drying and cooling down of the test chamber and test samples. Ambient air passes through the chamber by a fan. The test room temperature decreases to ambient and the rel. humidity is reduced to ambient conditions. The ventilation system is added to the salt spray / condensation water system. 


Well-defined operating systems are only available as combination with other systems or for definite unit types!


Process system W (warm air)

Process system F (humidity)

Process system G (gas)

The warm air system is used for heating and fast drying of the test chamber and samples. It operates only in combination with process system “B” (ventilation). The difference to this system is that the ambient air is heated. The temperature can be controlled up to 60°C. You need this system for special combined tests such as Nissan CCT 1 or ASTM Prohesion.

The process system “F” is used to control the rel. humidity in the test chamber. This system can only operate in combination with the systems ventilation (B) and warm air (W). You can control RH between 30% and 100% for temperature range between ambient and 50°C.


The gas process system is used for automatically dosing a defined volume of pollution gas (Sulphur dioxide). To start the test individual concentrations of gas volume are dosed into the test chamber. This system is available only for KBG 400 / 1000 A-SC.


The systems warm air (W), humidity (F) and gas (G) extend the functions of condensation water and salt spray units. They cannot operate individually!


The Liebisch letter code


Desk type units


Liebisch desk type units are supplied with 300 litre test chamber volume. They are used for condensation water tests with or without pollution gas (e.g. DIN EN ISO 6270-2, DIN 50018). Options are available to meet customer test requirements.

Accessories / options

Functional diagram

KB 300




These units are available with or without automatic ventilation. With the automatic ventilation the user needn’t open the test chamber door during ventilation periods. Ambient air passes through the test chamber. The test chamber temperature range is max. 50°C, the increased operating temperature system (EA) allows a temperature of up to 60°C.


Desk type unit without automatic ventilation. 


Desk type unit with automatic ventilation


Desk type unit without automatic ventilation and increased operating temperature.


Desk type unit with automatic ventilation and increased operating temperature.

Desk type units


Liebisch desk type units are supplied with 300 litre test chamber volume. They are used for condensation water tests with or without pollution gas (e.g. DIN EN ISO 6270-2, DIN 50018). Options are available to meet customer test requirements.

Accessories / options

Functional diagram

KB 300




These units are available with or without automatic ventilation. With the automatic ventilation the user needn’t open the test chamber door during ventilation periods. Ambient air passes through the test chamber. The test chamber temperature range is max. 50°C, the increased operating temperature system (EA) allows a temperature of up to 60°C.


Desk type unit without automatic ventilation. 


Desk type unit with automatic ventilation


Desk type unit without automatic ventilation and increased operating temperature.


Desk type unit with automatic ventilation and increased operating temperature.


For performing corrosion tests with Sulphur dioxide (e.g. DIN 50018 or DIN EN ISO 6988) we recommend our Gasomat gas dosing system. 

KB300 mit Gasomat


With this unit the required volume of gas is dosed into the test chamber. This manually operated accessory doses gas accuratery via a replacement fluid system. Gas is supplied from a several gas cylinder.


KB 300 with Gasomat and SO2 small steel bottle

Cabinet type units


Liebisch cabinet type units are available in 400, 1000 and 2000 litre test chamber sizes.

The user’s application decides which process system(s) will be installed. Here you can read details about the individual systems.

Accessories / options, documentation software CorroControl

Animation process system for salt spray




Constacon® SC

This series are manually operated cabinets of type M-SC for performing of condensation water tests such as DIN EN ISO 6270-2 (without pollution gas).

K400 M-SC K1000 M-SC K2000 M-SC

Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume without ventilation.

KB400 M-SC KB1000 M-SC KB2000 M-SC

Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume with ventilation.


Constasal® SC

This series are manually operated cabinets of type M-SC for performing of salt spray tests such as DIN EN ISO 9227.

S400 M-SC S1000 M-SC S2000 M-SC

Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume without ventilation.

Chest type units


Liebisch chest type units are available in 400, 1000 and 2500 litre test chamber volume design.

The user’s application decides which process system(s) will be installed. Here you can read details about the individual systems.

Accessories / options, documentation software CorroControl

Animation process system for salt spray

SKB 400 A-TR



Constacon® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M-TR for performing of condensation water tests such as DIN EN ISO 6270-2 (without pollution gas).

K400 M-TR K1000 M-TR K2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume without ventilation.


Constasal® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M- TR to perform salt spray tests such as DIN EN ISO 9227 without automatic ventilation.

S400 M-TR S1000 M-TR S2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for performing salt spray tests.


Constatwin® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M- TR to perform salt spray tests or condensation water tests. They are called “manually operated combination testers”.

SK400 M-TR SK1000 M-TR SK2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for performing salt spray or condensation water tests.

Special units 


Truhen 400l mit transp. Deckel

S400 M-TR special design

Flexibility design

Liebisch realizes that customers will need special modifications to standard models to meet their test requirements. For most of your individual requirements our technical engineers will find economical answers


  • modified door, lid and handle designs
  • individually designed sample holders, adaptation of the drain systems to suit architectural conditions
  • special cable ports  

This modified model of a 400 litre salt spray chest is equipped with a transparent lid. A mechanical lifting device moves the lid vertically. With this the user can load the test room from two sides and observe the samples on all sides. Additionally the test room volume increases to 600 litres.  

Constamatic® G


The KBG400A-SC was specially developed for condensation water tests with Sulphur dioxide. The most excellent feature of this unit with 400 litre test chamber volume is the automatic gas dosing system.

With this system the control and the test programmer is fully automatic.

At start of the test the required gas volume is introduced through a calibrated dosing system into the chamber. With this unit you can perform long-term tests e.g. according to DIN 50018 without any operator interventions.

For safe storage the Sulphur dioxide mini steel cylinder is located in a separate, lockable and automatically ventilated area.

Alternativ system: Constanzo

Schrank KBG 400 A-SC

KBG 400 A-SC





This patented chest type unit was developed for performing alternate immersion tests in a condensation water climate (DIN EN 3212). The samples have to be immersed alternately into a buffered NaCl solution and then exposed to the condensation water atmosphere.



In the test chamber the unit has three independently programmable drive shafts on which are attached the sample mounting systems.

The complete dippings mechanics consist of high-quality plastic material and excludes any reaction with the specimen. Bottom plate and shaft are easy to dismantle and ensure easy cleaning of the test chamber.


Constamatic® TR

This series are programmable and operate the A-TR range of chests. The unit’s easy to use programmer is mounted in the control panel. All functions are displayed on a multi-line menu-driven display. The units can be equipped with systems for salt spray or built as combination testing unit.

S400 A-TR  S1000 A-TR S2500 A-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for salt spray tests.

SKB400 A-TR SKB1000 A-TR SKB2500 A-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation.


Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation and warm air


Chest type units with 1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation, warm air and controlled rel. humidity.

Accessories / options

for corrosion testing chambers (essence) 



Compressor incl. automatic drainage system

Sound-dampened, dry-running compressor to supply one test chamber.

By using such a compressor an air service kit (s. below) is not necessary.




Order No. 1100 0022


Air service kit

High capacity filter with pressure controller and manometer to remove air from oil, water and other dirt from the compressed air.



Order No. 1100 0009


Dosing pump for test solution

Programmable precision dosing pump for NaCl test solution, for accurate, pulse-free precision spraying of the test solution in the test chamber.

Only available for automatic units A-SC and A-TR!





Order No.1000 0060



Dosing pump for test solution

Specification as above, only for manual units M-SC and M-TR!

Order No.1000 0061



Deioniser 2000

Pressure-proof deioniser. Two cartridge system complete with water pipework system and conductivity meter. Capacity approx. 2000 litres. 



Order No. 1100 0019



Deioniser 4500

Specifications as above, capacity 4500 litres, recommended for units with test chamber volume from 1000 litre.

Order No.1100 0025


Gas dosing unit Gasomat 2000

Full plastic design for manual dosing of SO2 from pressure bottles for gas quantities of 200 - 2000 ml. The unit is provided for use with desk type units K...300 (series Constanzo® ). Picture here with accessories!



Order No. 1100 0003


Gas dosing unit Gasomat 200

Specifications as above, for gas quantities 50 - 200 ml.

Order No. 1100 0004



Pressure reducer for Sulphur dioxide

with primary and secondary pressure gauge (adjustable).



Order No.1100 0010



Round mixing/storage vessel with lid

For the preparation and storage of NaCl test solution,  volume: approx. 200 l, seamless plastic construction (NPE nature).

(Picture here with Undercarriage, Order No. 1100 0031)


Order No. 1100 0030



Drum pump

Top entry centrifugal pump for filling and mixing of liquids. Maximum immersed lenght: 650 mm.


Order No. 1100 0011

Constamatic® SC

This series are programmable and operate the A-SC range of cabinets. The unit’s easy to use programmer is mount in the control panel. All functions are displayed on a multi-line menu-driven display. The units can be equipped with systems for salt spray or built as combination testing units.

      S400 A-SC  S1000 A-SC S2000 A-SC

Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume for salt spray tests.

SKB400 A-SC SKB1000 A-SC SKB2000 A-SC

Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation.


Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation and warm air.


Cabinet type units with 400/1000/2000 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation, warm air and controlled rel. humidity.