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969053321̸ 1594501713̸
   测量仪器仪表 | 分析仪器仪表
   实验仪器仪表 | 环境气象仪器
   电工仪器仪表 | 通讯监测仪器
   测试校验仪器 | 专用仪器仪表
   气体检测仪表 |
   温度/压力/流量/物位传感器 | 角度/位移/位置/传感器
   在线分析仪表 | 信号转换器/隔离器/安全栅/中继器/调理器
   显示器/数显表 | 控制器/PLC/
   自动化系统 | DCS/FCS/总线
   通讯模块 | 数据采集
   数据终端 | 监控监视
   计算机 | 软件
   电子元件 | 电工电器
   电机 | 减速机
   轴承 | 链条
   导轨 | 电源
   风机 | 电器
   泵阀 | 油缸
   气缸 | 密封
   过滤 | 接插
   调节 |
   机床附件 | 刀具夹具
   数控数显 |
   4101工业自动调节仪表与控制系统 | 4102工业仪表
   4103电工仪器仪表 | 4104绘图、计算及测量装置
   4105分析仪器及装置 | 4106实验机械,相关检测仪器
   4107环境监测专用仪器仪表 | 4108汽车仪表,相关计数仪表
   4109导航仪器及装置 | 4110大地测量仪器
   4111气象、水文仪器及装置 | 4112农林牧渔专用仪器仪表
   4113地质勘探和地震专用仪器 | 4114教学专用仪器
   4115核子及核辐射测量仪器 | 4116光学、电子测量仪器
   4117纺织仪器,相关专用测试仪器 |
   4001通信传输设备 | 4002通信交换设备
   4003通信终端设备 | 4004移动通信设备
   4005移动通信终端设备及零部件 | 4006通信接入设备
   4007雷达、无线电导航及无线电遥控设备 | 4008广播电视设备
   4009电子计算机及其部件 | 4010计算机网络设备
   4011电子计算机外部设备及装置 | 4012电子计算机配套产品及耗材
   4013信息系统安全产品 | 4014真空电子器件及零件
   4015半导体分立器件 | 4016光电子器件及激光器材
   4017集成电路 | 4018微电子组件
   4019电子元件 | 4020敏感元件及传感器
   4021印刷电路板 | 4022家用音视频设备
   4099其他未列明电子设备 |
   3901发电机 | 3902发电机组、内燃发电机组及旋转式变流机
   3903电动机 | 3904变压器、整流器和电感器
   3905电力电容器及其配套设备 | 3906高压开关设备
   3907配电或电器控制设备 | 3908电力电子元器件
   3909电线电缆 | 3910光纤、光缆
   3911绝缘制品 | 3912内燃机电点火起动装置,相关电工器材
   3913电池及其零部件 |
   3501锅炉及辅助设备 | 3502发动机
   3503汽轮机、燃气轮机 | 3504水轮机及辅机
   3505非电力相关原动机 | 3506金属切削机床
   3507金属成型机床 | 3508金属非切削、成型加工机械
   3509数控机床及加工机械 | 3510机床附件及辅助装置
   3511焊接设备 | 3512轻小型起重设备
   3513起重机 | 3514工业车辆
   3515连续搬运设备 | 3516电梯、自动扶梯及升降机
   3517立体仓库设备,相关物料搬运设备 | 3518泵及液体提升机
   3519气体压缩机 | 3520阀门和龙头
   3521液压元件、系统及装置 | 3522气动元件、系统及装置
   3523真空应用设备 | 3524轴承及其零件
   3525齿轮、传动轴和驱动部件 | 3526密封垫及类似接合衬垫
   3527窑炉、熔炉及电炉 | 3528风机、风扇及类似设备
   3529气体分离及液化设备 | 3530利用温度变化加工机械
   3531液体气体过滤、净化机械 | 3532工商用制冷、空调设备
   3533风动和电动工具 | 3534喷枪及类似器具
   3535包装专用设备 | 3536衡器(秤)
   3537衡器零配件 | 3538金属铸件
   3539锻件、粉末冶金件 | 3599其他通用设备和零件
   3601矿山专用设备 | 3602石油钻探、开采专用设备
   3603建筑工程用机械 | 3604建筑材料及制品专用生产机械
   3605玻璃、陶瓷制品生产专用设备 | 3606冶金专用设备
   3607炼油、化工生产专用设备 | 3608橡胶加工专用设备
   3609塑料加工专用设备 | 3610木材加工、处理机械
   3611模具 | 3612硬质材料加工机床及其零件
   3613非金属相关成型、加工机械 | 3614食品制造机械
   3615乳品加工机械 | 3616酒及饮料加工机械
   3617烟草、盐加工机械 | 3618农产品加工专用设备
   3619饲料生产专用设备 | 3620食品、饮料、烟草专用生产设备零件
   3621制浆和造纸专用设备 | 3622印刷专用设备
   3623信息化学品生产设备 | 3624制药专用设备
   3625照明器具生产专用设备 | 3626日用化工专用设备
   3627搪瓷制品,相关日用品生产设备 | 3628纺织专用制品
   3629皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备 | 3630服装、鞋帽加工机械
   3631电工机械专用设备 | 3632电子工业专用设备
   3633武器、弹药及其零件 | 3634金属处理机械
   3635航空、航天设备,相关专用设备 | 3636拖拉机及农林牧渔用挂车
   3637机械化农业及园艺机具 | 3638营林及木竹采伐机械
   3639畜牧机械 | 3940渔业捕捞养殖机械
   3641农产品初加工机械 | 3942农林牧渔机械零配件
   3643医疗仪器设备及器械 | 3944口腔科用设备及器具
   3945医用消毒灭菌设备 | 3646医疗、外科及兽医用器械
   3647机械治疗及病房护理设备 | 3648假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械
   3949医疗、外科、牙科或兽医用家具 | 3950环境污染防治专用设备
   3651地质勘查专用设备 | 3952邮政专用机械及器材
   3953商业、饮食、服务专用设备 | 3654社会公共安全设备及器材
   3955交通安全及管制专用设备 | 3656水资源专用机械
   3657机器人及具有独立功能专用机械 | 3699其他专用设备及零部件



Our Most Popular Amphenol Series
Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series I Connectors / LJT
Series 1 connectors offer ultra high-density contact arrangements in a miniature circular shell. LJT features include - total environment sealing, wide operating temperature range (-65°C to 200°C), quick mating three-point bayonet coupling, 100% scoop-proof shell design, EMI-RFI shielding. Available in a rugged 500-hour salt spray plating. Intermateable with ITT Cannon, Deutsch, Souriau, Matrix & MIL-DTL-38999 Series I connectors. Formerly MIL-C-38999. Mil spec part number prefixes include: MS27466, MS27467, MS27468, MS27496, MS27505, MS27656.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series II / JT
MIL-DTL-38999 Series 2 (JT) connectors offer high-density contact arrangements in a low profile miniature circular shell. JT main features - very small area for mating, total environment sealing, wide operating temperature range (-65°C to 200°C), extremely light weight, quick mating three-point bayonet coupling, wide range of receptacle styles. Optional 500-hour salt spray plating. Designed for the requirements of high performance military and commercial aircraft, these connectors are finding their way into applications needing reliable interconnections. Intermateable with Deutsch, ITT Cannon, Souriau, and all MIL-DTL-38999 Series II connectors. Formerly MIL-C-38999. Mil spec part number prefixes include: MS27472, MS27473, MS27474, MS27484, MS27497, MS27499, MS27500, MS27508, MS27513.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series III / TV-CTV Tri-Start Cylindrical Connectors
MIL-DTL-38999 Series 3 (TV-CTV) Tri-Start connectors offer high-density contact arrangements in a miniature circular shell. TVs features include - total environmental sealing, wide operating temperature range (-65° to 200°), quick mating, triple lead threaded, self-locking coupling, 100% scoop proof shield design, EMI-RFI shielding. A 500-hour salt spray resistant plating is optional. Intermateable with Deutsch, ITT Cannon, Souriau & all MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors. Formerly MIL-C-38999. Series III Mil spec part number prefixes all begin D38999/.  PEI also assembles and processes Space Rated Class G Outgassed D38999 connectors.
Quadrax Contacts & 38999 Connectors from Amphenol
PEI-Genesis large inventory of Quadrax contacts is especially important when used with the popular MIL-DTL-38999 connector line. We build the Quadrax Groundplane Connectors from stock so we can ship you a complete system. In Comparison, most distributors require long lead times & impose mandatory minimum purchase quantities for Quadrax contacts and connectors.
Amphenol High Density 38999 Connector
The HD38999 family of connectors was designed to work with existing mil-specified 38999 shells. To the end users familiar with standard 38999 connectors, this family of high density connectors will look, feel, and perform just like the mil-qualified connectors. Utilizing an existing mil-qualified 39029 size 23 contact and mil-qualified shells, the new system is usually a drop-in connector. Even though the HD38999 has 30% more contacts, it still performs to minimum electrical requirements of standard 38999 connectors.
Amphenol Amphe-Lite 38999 Style
The Amphe-Lite Connector Series is designed for communications equipment manufacturers with signal, power, RF or fiber optic interconnect requirements in harsh environments i.e communication towers & outdoor applications. This commercial 38999, Series III type composite connector is ideal for communications equipment, manufacturing process control & medical equipment. Amphe-Lite offers the highest performance capabilities for severe environment applications but is cost effective enough for general duty and non-environmental applications. Amphe-Lite is UL Recognized, file E115497.
Amphenol JN1003/SJT
SJT connectors, commonly know as 38999 Series 1 ½ , offer the high-density contact arrangements of MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors in a miniature circular shell. Qualified to JN1003 meeting the requirements of VG96912. SJT features environmental sealing, wide operating temperature range (-65°C to 200°C), quick mating three-point bayonet coupling, scoop proof shell design with EMI-RFI shielding available. Optional 500-hour salt spray resistant plating.
Amphenol PT/PT-SE MIL-DTL-26482 Series I
sized cylindrical connector featuring quick bayonet coupling, crimp, solder, or printed circuit board termination. It offers seven mounting styles and ten shell sizes. Interchangable with all MIL-DTL-26482 connectors. Mil Spec prefixes include: MS3110, MS3112, MS3114, MS3116, MS3119, MS3120, MS3122, MS3124, MS3126. Amphenol proprietary prefix PT.
Amphenol 62GB Series
Amphenol 62GB Series connectors are built to British Standard Specification BS 9522 F00 17 & pattern 105. These are similar to US military specification MIL-DTL-26482, but with the added advantage of keyway orientation. They standard shells are aluminum and may be specially ordered in brass or stainless steel. PEI-Genesis is the largest assembler in the world of 62GB connectors.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-26482 Series II (Matrix)
Amphenol broadens their Miniature Cylindrical Family of Connectors with the addition of the Matrix® Product line of MIL-C-26482, Series 2 connectors. This series provides a bayonet coupling connector with crimp rear insertable, rear releasable contacts. Mil spec part numbers include: MS3470, MS3471, MS3472, MS3474, MS3476,MS3475. Amphenol proprietary prefix MB.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-5015 (formerly MIL-C-5015)
The Amphenol MIL-DTL-5015 (formerly MIL-C-5015) is a medium-heavy weight connector offering five mounting styles, nineteen shell sizes, and solder or crimp termination.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-5015 Rear Release Crimp (Matrix)
This series provides an alternative to the older MIL-DTL-5015 solder type. Uses rear release crimp contacts with retention clip. It bridges the gap between an older 5015 connector standard and the environmental and higher performance needs of advanced technologies. Formerly MIL-C-5015. Mil Spec prefixes include MS3450, MS3451, MS3452, MS3454, MS3456, MS3459.
Amphenol 97 Series
The 97 Series is a low cost, general duty, non-environmental connector featuring solder termination. UL approved & CSA certified. The original MIL-C-5015 connector "A" version has a hard (blue) insulator. The MS-A version is Inactive for new military designs, the 97 series connectors can be purchased under the inactive military part numbers, use caution. MIL-DTL-5015 uses a resilient (gray) insulator. Obsolete MS-A connectors can be purchased with the original hard (blue) insulator shown here, or the newer sealed construction, using a soft (gray) insulator & "-RES" suffix on the part number - please specify you prefered insulator . Mil-Spec prefixes: MS3100A, MS3102A, MS3106A, & MS3108A. Industrial 97 Series prefixes include 97-3100A, 97-3102A, 97-3106A, & 97-3108A.
Amphenol GT Series
Heavy-duty, rugged, waterproof connectors with quick reverse bayonet couplings & wide variety of backshell options. The world's standard connector for rail and mass transit applications, widely used in military ground systems and vehicles. The GT is the ideal connector to use anywhere you need a reasonably priced connector that must work reliably in a harsh environment. Hundreds of contact configurations with contacts for wire ranges 26AWG to 0 AWG carrying up to 150 amps (or 225 Amps with Radsok contacts).
Amphenol AC/AC-B Series
Latest development in the MIL-DTL-5015 family. These connectors feature black zinc alloy plating and are available in five shell styles and nine shell sizes with threaded and reverse bayonet couplings. Rated to 500 mating cycles minimum. AC/AC-B is a lower cost version of the Amphenol GT series.
Amphenol Air-LB VG95234 multi-pin circular connectors
Conform to the VG95234 German military standard, the connectors use the same dimensions and contact arrangements as specified in MIL-DTL-5015, but they are provided with a reverse bayonet coupling. This ensures quick and effortless locking/unlocking but also avoids unintentional unlatching in conditions of severe vibration.

Additional Amphenol Series (in alphabetical order)

Amphenol Tuchel 44 Series
High performance at low cost for applications requiring environmentally sealed, yet inexpensive connectors. An oil-resistant, one-piece waterproof design incorporates crimp poke-home contacts in six insert configurations.
Amphenol 62IP Series
These miniature bayonet-lock molded thermoplastic connectors features IP67 environmental protection suited for industrial applications. These RoHS compliant connectors offer a heavy duty ribbed coupling nut for plugs and a 4-hole flanged receptacle for mounting. All connectors are supplied with a neoprene rubber insert and gold plated solder termination contacts, up to 10 circuits.
Amphenol Explosion Proof Amphe-EX connectors
Amphenol Industrial Operations, the leader in explosion-proof and hazardous environment interconnects, miniature, explosion-proof threaded connector specifically designed to allow a signal to pass through Zone rated areas using coax, fiber optic cables, or standard copper. Amphe-EX™ is complimentary to Amphenol’s industry-proven Star-Line EX™. The rugged Amphe-EX™ connectors are ATEX & IECex approved for Zone 1 rated applications (IECex 60079). PEI-Genesis is the exclusive worldwide Amphe-EX assembling distributor. Part numbers begin EXM. Find out more about ATEX Explosion Proof Connectors
Amphenol PPM Series
The Amphe-PPM is a rapid mate, push/pull connector. Amphe-PPM provides positive mating in a limited space, easy to use. Save space and cut your installation costs. Amphe-PPM, the high performance signal and power interconnection solution, is ideally suited to many Commercial & Industrial Applications including, but not limited to: Medical, Instrumentation, Test & Measurement, & Communication Equipment.
Amphenol Tuchel C 091 A Series
Low cost, circular cable connectors with plastic backshells. Used in a wide variety of industries and equipment. High quality metal threaded coupling and internal cable shield terminations provide EMI protection when fully mated. 2 to 8, 12, and 14 contacts are available. Solder or crimp terminations are available with silver or gold contact plating. Sealed to IP40. Connector part numbers begin T3xxx.
Amphenol Tuchel C 091 B Series
Plastic bayonet locking and plastic backshells are featured with these circular cable connectors. Straight and right-angled cable entry is available with 3 to 8, 12, and 14 contacts. Solder or crimp terminations. The wire strain relief and shell are metal construction for shielding. Plastic strain relief is available. Sealed to IP40. Connector part numbers beginT3xxx.
Amphenol Tuchel C 091 D Series
The Amphenol Tuchel C 091 D Series offers precision metal construction suited for harsh environmentas. Threaded metal screw couplings provide ingress protection under Class IP67. Wire strain relief is metal shell construction for shielding. 3 to 8, 12, and 14 contacts are available with solder or crimp terminations. Connector part numbers beginT3xxx.
Amphenol Tuchel C 16-3 Series
High performance circular cable connectors designed to meet harsh environmental conditions. Straight and right-angled, high-grade plastic cable housings are preferred for power and signal applications. Vibration-safe connections are provided by a solid bayonet coupling. For safety, pre-earth first-mate last-break contacts are standard. Screw and crimp terminations are available. Sealed to IP65.
Amphenol Tuchel C146 Heavy Duty Connectors
C146 Heavy Duty Connectors are designed and produced in conformity with the low voltage directive (73/23/EWG) respectively Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (German law) and in accordance with the standards DIN EN 61984 (VDE0627); IEC 60664-1 (VDE 0110-1) and IEC 60529. Connector part numbers begin C146.
Amphenol D-Subminiatures
From low cost, straight solder and press-fit terminations to high reliability connectors qualified to MIL-DTL-24308, many styles and options are available for light duty industrial applications.
Amphenol Tuchel Eco-mate Series
Evolved from Amphenol-Tuchel's C16-1 series, the new Eco-mate connectors are intermateable and interchangeable with the old C16-1 products. Eco-mate connectors are made from tough polyamide material and offer environmental protection of IP65 or IP67, depending on model. Vibration-proof coarse-threaded cable gland, ergonomically shaped to facilitate quick mating/unmating even under extreme environmental conditions.. 
Amphenol ECTA 133 Series
Metal Push-Pull Connectors for power and signal applications. Series 1331 with pre-mating earth (first-mate/ last-break) contact; current ratings up to 125A. Series 1332 spec'd with high contact densities for signal or low-power transmission; maximum current rating of 25A; wide range of shell styles and sizes; choice of crimp, solder or PCB contacts in various sizes; operating temperature range of -40°C to +125°C; environmental protection rating of up to IP67.
Amphenol Filter Connectors
A full range of high quality, cost competitive connectors that meet or exceed all EMI/EMP requirements is available. Proprietary, stress-isolated, solderless technology is used to provide tubular, planar, or chip capacitor-designed products.
Amphenol Filter Terminal Blocks
Terminal Blocks filtered to protect your sensitive electronics against noise and transients.

This UL recognized product comes in various sizes and termination types with stress isolated filtering.
Amphenol MIL-C-26500 (Pyle) Connectors
High quality & dependability are the earned reputations of the Amphenol/Pyle Series of connectors. Meets MIL-C-26500 requirements. Serving in diverse fields i.e avionics, aircraft general-purpose applications & firewalls, the Amphenol/Pyle MIL-C-26500 connector family meets the myriad of problems with innovative connector solutions. Amphenol/Pyle MIL-C-26500 Connectors are of medium size with a rugged design, lightweight construction & dependable performance. Mil Spec part numbers begin MS24264, MS24265, or MS24266.
Amphenol MIL-C-81511Connectors
Amphenol 348 Series connector provide reliability & high contact density. 348 Series is a commercial equivalent to MIL-C-81511, not qualified to MIL-C-81511, they accommodate a minimum of three circuits to a maximum of one hundred and fifty five circuits. Amphenol 348 Series connectors are available in two basic constructions: Long (Series I) &Standard (Series II). Series I features 100% scoop-proof construction (potential contact damage minimized by recessed pins). Series II, Standard connectors are scoop-proof when pin contacts are specified in the receptacle shell only. Mil Spec connector part numbers begin M81511/. Amphenol Proprietary part numbers begin 348-.
Amphenol MIL-C-83723 Series III (Matrix)
This series provides many choices within the range of a medium sized, environmentally resistant cylindrical connector. Three coupling style choices avail. - bayonet, threaded & quick-disconnect. The Series III versatility makes it popular for panel mount, box mount and line-to-line applications in aircraft. For general duty environmentally resistant requirements, this family of connectors provides a wide range of interconnection solutions. Mil-Spec part numbers begin M83723/. Amphenol Proprietary part numbers begin MT
Amphenol MIL-C-22992, Class L,QWLD
Amphenol meets the demands for heavy duty connectors by providing three cylindrical connector series with unique design characteristics for reliable operation in specific industrial environments. Part Numbers begin MS17343, MS17344, MS17345, MS17346, MS17347, or MS17348. Amphenol Series QWLD
  •  High Current Capacity
  • Rugged Construction
  • Safety
  • Serviceability
Amphenol MIL-C-22992, QWL
Amphenol QWL Series Connectors are tailor made for compact, heavy duty industrial use. The outstanding performance of this series makes it well suited for shipboard installations and ground support power distribution applications where physical strength and dependability are key requirements. Typical Amphenol part numbers begin 10-107.

The QWL Series are a versatile, economical alternative to military qualified designs.
Amphenol P-lok Series
Standard duty, commercial grade, control and signal connector for use where MIL-C-5015 commercial connectors would be specified. Constructed of a one-piece, keyed aluminum shell. Features the P-Lok coupling system to provide a positive lock between plug receptacles with a simple one-handed push of the connector.
Amphenol PPS (Push Pull Series)
The PPS is a miniature connector with push pull technology and is RoHS compliant. It is designed for use on equipment that is not submersed or left exposed to the elements for prolonged periods, within Industrial and Ground Harsh Environment applications.
Amphenol Alden Pulse-Lok
Alden's Pulse-Lok® family of miniature auto-coupling connectors is designed for medical and instrumentation applications.

These connectors offer tactile mating and a wide variety of contact configurations in an elegant IP67 sealed plastic housing. Can be over-molded. Learn more about Alden's Pulse-Lok connectors ...
Pulse-Net - Industrial Ethernet
Pulse-Net® is a ruggedized Ethernet connector that offers the convenience and functionality of a standard RJ-45 connector plus push & click, Pulse-Lok® mating action for positive confirmation of engagement, industry standard components and termination tools, and multiple termination options.
Amphenol Quelarc Series
Circuit breaking 30, 60, and 100 ampere, 600 VAC power connectors. The Amphenol Quelarc Series is used for portable and detachable electrical equipment. Perfectly suited for normal as well as wet locations.
Amphenol Radsok
HIGH RELIABILITY Unique RADSOK design and construction technology create an electrical contact interface that exceeds typical interconnect requirements. Applications in aerospace, industrial,  mining, offshore, and other harsh environments depend on high reliability of the Amphenol RADSOK technology. Take a more specific look at the Amphenol Vortex Series and the Amphemol GT Series, both part of the RADSOK series.
Amphenol RF Connectors
An extensive range of coaxial interconnects is available in standard, miniature, sub-miniature, and micro-miniature types. Also available are between-series adapters, precision APC, and special purpose connectors for specific needs.  Find our more about AMPHENOL RF Connectors
Amphenol RJ Field Series
The Amphenol RJ Field Series allows Ethernet Class D/Cat 5e connection for 10BaseTX or 1000 BaseT networks in harsh environments. It is sealed against fluids and dusts; shock, vibration and Traction resistant; no cabling operation in field; no tools required; mechanical coding/polarization.
Other RJ Products
The RJ Field Products offers a rugged environmental system for RJ45, USB-A, USB-B, RJ11, and IEEE 1394 type connections They have many different mating types quick mating bayonet, push-pull, ratcheted threaded like D38999 for high vibration applications, and latch along with shell styles flanged and jam nut.

These connectors are suitable for military and commercial 10 BaseT, 100 BaseTX and 1000 BaseT CAT5 and CAT6 network requirements.
Amphenol SCE Connector
SCE is a miniature product with a silent push to mate and pull to release design. There are two push-pull cable versions; one with a coupling nut to lock the two halves together, and a "Snatch" version without a coupling nut allowing the two halves to be pulled apart.  The Snatch version is used in break-away applications such as soldier mounted electronics. Inserts & contacts are molded in place achieving high environmental sealing to IP68. Take a look at our APH SCE Connector brochureImage
Amphenol Star-Line Series
Heavy-duty, multi-pin, electrical connector designed for rugged and harsh environments. One-piece, two-keyed shell, coupling nut, cable adapter, gland and clamp nut are constructed of high-grade machined aluminum with a hard coat finish for superior corrosion resistance. Formerly Pyle Star Line.
Amphenol Explosion Proof Star-Line EX Connectors
Amphenol Explosion-proof connectors ATEX certified for Zone 1-IIc hazardous environment, Cenelec IP68-8 rated, and IECex certified (IECex 60079). Ideal for petrochemical refineries, land and offshore drilling systems. Pyle part numbers begin ZP (plugs) or ZR (receptacles). Find out more about ATEX Explosion-Proof Connectors
Amphenol Vortex GT Connector
A GT Style connector with touch proof High Power (RadSok) contacts. The Vortex GT can be used in applications such as generator, fuel cell, load banks, and charging systems. The Vortex features Audible, tactile, and visual indication of full coupling. 
Other Features & Benefits: a) Crimp Termination b) ¼ Turn Mating  c) Current:1000Amp d) Voltage: DC 470/600V e) Operation Temperature:-20~120F (-28C - 49C)  f) Flange Mount g)  Life cycles:>= 2000